Google's YouTube censors possible cure for COVID-19 - Their evil is beyond comprehension!steemCreated with Sketch.


If the following doesn't prove just how evil and nefarious YouTube and Google (its parent company) is and how they are against humanity, then I don't know what does.

A recent video that appears to show an extremely promising cure for COVID-19 from a US-based (New York State) doctor named Vladimir Zelenko has been memory-holed from YouTube:


Thankfully, the VIDEO can still be viewed from Bitchute:

The video is basically a plea by doctor Zelenko to President Trump on how he has used Hydroxychloroquine along with Z-Paks which has cured 100% of his 350 patients. Trump himself last week mentioned this very substance as a potential cure.

Here are two related articles with more details:

Sean from SGTReport has also referenced this incident in his recent video from which Zeleko's video clip can be seen at the end.

It's already bad enough that YouTube censors a lot of COVID-19 related videos and demonetizes 100% of them all, but to outright censor a possible cure for this terrible virus on the premise of violating their "Community Guidelines" (?WTF?) is downright evil.

Make no mistake, YouTube and their parent Google, are complicit in this massive conspiracy to depopulate the masses and also ruin their economic well-being and sovereignty.

They, their executives, and all involved in this will forever be pinned on the pillar of shame and as being against life, health, and humanity.

Pure Evil.

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