FALSE FLAG staged by US in the Gulf of Oman already gauged as too OBVIOUSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)


These guys are getting really SLOPPY.

I think that for all the world to see it could not be more obvious that, after hefty military build up in the area by the US Military War Machine, this was a blatant and obvious attempt to attempt to immediately pin the blame on Iran in order to commence their highly sought war in the region.

As per an RT article on the matter, the incident which involved two “Japan-related” oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman just so happened to occur during Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's state visit to Iran meeting with Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.


Image source

More details and photos about the incident can be obtained from ZeroHedge - US Blames Iran For Tanker Attacks, Says Tehran "Trying To Interrupt Flow Of Oil".

Japan is a strong US ally and it appears that Abe was bringing a message from Trump to Iran - which was not well received.

Abe did state, however (and perhaps somewhat contradictively) that the purpose of his visit was to instill peace in the region, at least according to The New York Times Asia Pacific bureau.

It could also be possible that the US killed two birds with one stone by sending Abe a strong message to not become disloyal to their goals.

Whether Abe was sincere or was merely used as a pawn in this larger Middle East chess game remains difficult to accurately ascertain.

Regardless, Iran's Foreign Minister acutely describes the incident by stating it as ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened.

Meanwhile, US war hawk and former CIA Chief Mike Pompeo was very quick to state:

“It is the assessment by the United States government that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the Gulf of Oman today," - Source: CNN

He continued with more lies, but I will spare you the diatribe.

ADDENDUM: Just recall what he had said recently during a Q & A session at Texas A&M University:


Also, we need to consider the environmental consequences of such an event. Attacking oil tankers makes for particularly serious environmental damage, as hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude oil could be spilled into the gulf's waters. This is additional destruction that is certainly not needed.

It will be interesting to see how Russia, China, and also Japan respond to the incident in the coming days and how much pressure they may exert on the US to back off and show restraint.

We all know that the waning Petro-Dollar is playing a huge role in this event. And also that the banksters use such events to pump the price of oil which also keeps the stock market to its artificial, nose-bleed, highs. War is a racket.

More importantly though, most of the world knows what happened with the Gulf of Tonkin incident whereby the US staged and used it as a pretense for one of the most destructive wars in history - The Vietnam War. A war, to which I will add, more bombs were dropped on (Vietnam and the surrounding countries) that the totality of bombs that were dropped in all of WWII.

Do we really need another Vietnam?

Spread far and wide.

We need to stop the US Military-Industrial Complex & War Hawks from getting their ultimate prize in Iran.




Who knew that world peace could have been achieved merely by the West unilaterally disarming and allowing Islamists and communists to ascend to the position of world powers? Democracy and freedom eventually end with the electorate voting to commit racial suicide. Humanism is a mental illness.

How do we stop global sleeper cells which are to be triggered post-strike?

Certainly something in the shadows to think about.

Seven Reasons To Be Highly Skeptical Of The Gulf Of Oman Incident - an excellent piece by the very well researched and thorough Caitlin Johnstone showing better than I ever could how this is obviously a false flag perpetrated on the world by the usual suspects.

She has a knack for telling it like it really is. (altnernative link on ZeroHedge).

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From the horse's mouth:

Former US Congressman Dr. Ron Paul summarizes the bogusness or sham that this false flag attempt was along with the lack of credibility in Pompeo and jugement in Trump:

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