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"Why will you have such keen interest in politics? It's not meant for Muslims!" This was the response I got from my mom after telling her how I felt about Nigeria and my interest in politics. There's no doubt, she has her reasons for saying this.

Most Nigerians have chosen to remain politically apathetic. Do you blame them? Who goes to a polling unit where political thugs shoot anyone who doesn't corporate with them ? Where ballot boxes are snatched and electoral malpractices hold sway? Where election riggers boast of more votes with impunity? Where the presence of security troops is just for formality? I pity Nigeria!

Nauseated at this sorry turn of events and envious of the way things are done in saner societies, I made the decision to go into politics when I'm old enough. In reaction to mom's comment, I asked to know who politics was meant for. She said it's for thugs and selfish interest seekers. While all the woes in our political systems ring true, I don't think it is logical to discourage youngsters from politics.

However, many compatriots hope and pray for good governance. Prayer warriors are ever busy casting, binding and raining fire on presumed enemies of progress. But how many of this people want their children to get involved in politics? Will God start using thugs and egocentric individuals to perform miracles? The answer some people expect from God leaves much to be desired.

Moreover, ours is a country where thieves are praised and saints are persecuted. The law is a blade to the poor and a fan to the rich. Dishonest and corrupt minded people are left to parade the corridors of power while the worthy men are dismissed with a wave of the hand. The judiciary that ought to be the hope of the common man is biased. Nigeria is evidently a failing state.

It's salient to note that an increase in the number of apathetic citizens means a commensurate deterioration of democracy.
However, what we need are intellects that will sanitize the polity and take the country to the promise land. People of great credibility. Upright in character and excellent in political dispensation.

A person who'll walk the talk and stop ushering lies to the masses for selfish interest. Perhaps mom doesn't want me to be assassinated like Bola Ige. But of what use am I in a failing state where I profess to serve with all my strength? How I intend to keep my head is a topic for another day.

While I leave you to ponder on this, I admonish you to stop discouraging youngsters who show interest in politics. We all have a role to play.

Tijani Abdulkabeer Babatunde is a Campus Journalist. He can reach Via Email: [email protected]

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In writing,

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