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RE: BREAKING 5:18 p.m. EST: Reports indicate that Maduro's regime entered to the facilities of the Sebin-El Helicoide using force, where political prisoners where maintaining the riot. Family members fear for their life and integrity.

I'm not a socialist, i'm chavista, i'm not a comunist, i'm chavista. Chavismo is the only national peace project for this territory. If you can't see that Libia is our mirror, we can be traded as slaves in public spaces in short time if chavismo loses the hegemony, there is no ideology in it.

And financing terrorism, destruction of private and public property, to lynch, to burn alive, to kill people and even street dogs can't be called "think diferent". If Ilich Ramirez is in prison why they can't be in prison too?

Sebin sometimes works as a political police, in a war you need it. National states are already way too weak to allow themself to fight back a non-conventional warfare within the territory using conventional, legal, moral or even constitutional methods.

I'm not a democrat, i'm not a romantic fan of national states, i'm not a republican, i don't endorse concepts like freedom, rights, property and humanism. I like reality, and reality is complex, i'm chavista.


Even worse then. There's not point to enter into an argument with you then.

If you want to post your views about what's happening here, using facts without using just rhetoric, I invite you to do so. I'll gladly mention your content here.

Everyone has the right to expose their views here.

Actually, I sometimes mention content from Misión Verdad in the headlines. Feel free to share your content in the comments.

What you are doing has a name: propaganda. If you can´t be partial out loud and be inteligent at the same time you won´t find anithing valuable. That "no bias" speech is used by everyone, and no one really practice it, because it is imposible. You are "escualido", be happy with that, say it out loud, you will earn some respect by taking a stand, the ones in the impartiality religion are known for hiding propaganda behind what they call information.


I clearly have stated that I am against chavismo altogether. You have read my posts about me saying that. Even you have upvoted them.

Yet, you are still attacking me just because to prove a point squeezing out the main subject: You spread pure rhetoric like all chavistas, you point everyone who is against your religious belief and label them.

And the reason that I point out there' s no point to argue with you is because you are just a worshiper of Chavez/Maduro. With what you just wrote, it seems that's your religión. So there's no point to discussion religious beliefs, or question your faith.

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