in #informationwar6 years ago

[image source]


The Nigeria state is a state in the western part of Africa, citizens of Nigeria are call NIGERIANS.
Nigeria has about 250 confarmed ethnic groups in Nigeria, thou there are other multiple smaller ethnic groups. Nigeria state according to religion is 50% Christains and 50% muslims. Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa, and she has 3 major ethnic group which is Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo, which as an acronym as "wazobia".

Authors insight about the Nigeria state

Sometimes, I begins to wonder, what if there is Peace in the diversity of the Nigerian people.
Nigeria, a country filled with amazing cultures, different arts, ( the benin Nigerian people taught the Portuguese bronze and gold smith) according to history.
There could've be more to achieve if only the unity of Nigeria is not negotiable.

Imagine with the rate of diversities, The Nigeria state was able to become the giant of Africa.
Economically Nigeria is the giant of Africa, (nigeria is the highest crude exporter in Africa)
In sport, Nigeria is the champions of Africa.

In entertainment, Nigeria Nollywood is the third in the world,after Hollywood, Bollywood.

What more could i say?

But the facts still remains that, Nigeria could achieve more if the peace and unity of this country is intact.

What went Wrong

Some political fanatics we tell you that, the Nigeria state is not meant to be?
Because there was no due negotiation before the amalgamation by the British colonial masters.

I my self i belief that if there was appropriate consultation by the colonist, to the 3 pillars of the Nigeria state, of whether they should be amalgamated into one single country called Nigeria, that would have saved us this disagreement that has savaged the Nigeria state.

With the rated of disagreement in almost every national decision, one could tell that, the country is still far from patriotic unification.
Every decision that is meant to leverage the east, the north and the west always downvote, so also it is for other geopolitical zone,
They always feel cheated once the decision is not for there favour.

Believe me nigeria is a continent and not a country.If truth be told, the Nigeria state wouldnt have come to be, if the colonial lord had consulted for amalgamation.

  • Evidence of this is thus, when the north rejected independency of the Nigeria state in 1956 for not been ready, ( that is to say that the north cares only for northern interest than the Nigerian interest)

  • also when the military plottted a coup'de tet that killed only the northerners(hausas) and westerners (yorubas) politicians, there by sparing the easterners(igbos)
    .This led to another coup that killed only the easterners by the northerners.
    _ that is to say that, it is more of my ethnic interest than national interests_

Why Nigerian state dont work-out as supposed.

The Nigeria state will not work out until these national sentiments are corrected.

  • until if i toast a girl,and she sees me as a nigerian and not by my ethnic group.
    _ some will tell you i cant marry an igbo man or hausa man.

  • until the national budget become for national interest and not for ethnic interest.
    _ the north we pad the budget to get more allocations than the east and west,( so also other regions)_

  • until the presidency or any other political post become a struggle for who is more qualified to handle the nations affairs and not the usual rotational ethnic padamonuim.
    that is the fucion that the hausa has ruled the yoruba has ruled, it is now turn for the igbos to rule the country, no one cares if the igbos has someone that can move the country forward,all that matters is,it is our turn to rule

  • until the yorubas and igbos stop seeing the hausas as disgrace to the nation, by making a move to educate them.

There are many factors militating against the nigerian state,
But until unity in diversities is non nagotiatable,then the nigeria state is far from attaining her full potentials.
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[image source] [https://www.google.com.ng/search?q=nigeria&client=ms-unknown&prmd=tnmiv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcqKyS5a3cAhWBL8AKHc2ID7gQ_AUIDCgD#imgrc=TIkV4Fr1JgsklM:]



Lots of grammatical errors.

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