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RE: World War Four

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Dave and Corsi seem to be saying some of the same things. Corsi agrees that the Syria thing is like you said to help flush the swamp and I understand that.

But it is very dangerous as war can still continue and can always become HOT AGAIN as we are often in cold wars and it is like hitting a beehive and Trump can be right about Syria and about many things but I encourage people to still not fall asleep because life is not that simple.

Trump is like Michael Jordan, maybe, but are we not all players on that same court of life? We can all hope for Trump to steal the ball and dunk the ball over deep state. But we should still play the game too and play offense and defense and try to get rebounds in case Trump misses here or there because the real world is much more complex than a very simple basketball game. We all should do our best to tell Trump and to tell everybody what we want. We should run for office and support maybe Trump and maybe other people too and get more involved and make videos and photos and memes and other things and share stuff and share #QAnon of course and other things and not give up no matter what.

Get open and hope you can shoot an open three in life. Be prepared for anything.

Go to the Comey Book Signings, everybody, and talk to Comey. Ask Comey about Clinton and about Soros and about Rothschild and other things hehe. Bring your phone.