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RE: The 0.01 Percent Art Market Is A Ponzi Scheme

Michael Jordan Art?

But what do you want to do about it? How is it a Ponzi Scheme? Are people being encouraged to buy overpriced art that they think they can resell but then can't? Are people being conned and lied to about getting rich? Are too many artists unable to make a living because of the 0.01 percent of the ultra-rich who are like monopolies in dominating in being like the Michael Jordan of art?


There are a bunch of problems. First, artists can struggle to make a living. There are a bunch of factors that play into that. I'm a wannabe artist. I took a bunch of art classes in high school. Second, money has been excessively centralized through world banks, the Not-Federal Federal Reserve, Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, etc. Third, buying and selling art could be a form of gambling. I'm not necessarily against gambling, but it can become a very bad habit. It is a bad habit for some people. I love free market capitalism but I hate crony capitalism and other things. I love art.


hello @ joeyarnoldvn .... tnx for sharing, unfortunately following the money will always cause collusion, so we cannot get rid of crony capitalism if not getting rid of money.... I am afraid

Yeah. Maybe not. But I just want to at least try to minimize crony capitalism. I also want to make my argument for those who say they dislike capitalism and favor socialism or other things. So, I try to distinguish between hypothetical and perfect free market capitalism with crony capitalism mixed in with monopolies, globalism, tyrannies, and all these things that we have in the real world. We don't live in a vacuum of just one things. There are many things happening in the world at the same time that are interdependent on other things... or they interact with each other.....

So, I bring up these things when I try to win a debate with people who may favor Bernie Sanders or other things.

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