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RE: The American Choice

I hate cronyism.

I love the ability for humans to trade with or without money. People can choose to help each other out in tribalism, in local communities, tribes, families. You are right that I shouldn't be asking questions if they land on deaf ears.


We should study Rothschild for example. Real capitalism is not authoritarianism. Fake versions of capitalism is authoritarianism and that is what FDR was doing. FDR was enforcing a curfew law in the 1930's in the United States.

Defining Capitalism

That is not free markets. Different people have different definitions to capitalism. So, there are specific and more generic definitions to capitalism. It is possible that when I say capitalism, that I'm saying trading, free markets, what we are doing right now in this exchange, and yet when you say capitalism, you really mean crony capitalism through the filters of the corrupt governments which regulates the markets excessively.

Regulating Markets

Plus, central bankers, Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, etc, have been centralizing, enforcing, manipulating, and regulating markets way too much. That is bad. We do not have free markets. Therefore, you cannot blame certain problems on an imaginary thing like free markets. Well, it is real but only to the extent that we have it. But governments and other things are way too big and do in fact interfere with our personal lives and everything.

Banning Gold

They banned gold. You live in denial. It even happened to foreign banks who tried to get their money back and were denied. So, you are denying reality. You are denying what happened to these foreign banks. It doesn't matter if Nixon allegedly claimed bankruptcy if America went bankrupt in 1933 and don't get me started on what might have happened in 1871 to introduce corporate USA INC at that time and the other things that kept on happening as things progressed according to the books globalists have been writing since at least the 1800's.

Verified Patterns

History will be seen through patterns and verified by different people. You listen to people who lie to you. So, you either know that and are guilty or you are unaware of what Abraham Lincoln did and what he is guilty of for example.


You are too well brainwashed. But in the end, that is your choice. Good luck to you, @joeyarnoldvn, you’ll need it very soon.

They brain washed me into loving people and especially Steemit. I love Steemit. I hope you get off Evil Steemit very soon. Because Steemit has to be bad if it utilizes free markets, capitalism, the ability to trade, to exchange. I am brain washed to fight against authoritarianism. For example, Google came out of the government. Same thing with Facebook and others. I'm happy that you do not know about 1871. That is why your avatar is of a muppet. Because you are a puppet. You don't know about 1695. What happened in that year does not matter to you.

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