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RE: Trump's Missile Strike in Iraq...


The problem is that some people have already been seeking revenge against America, Christians, Europeans, etc.


So, yes, try to get out of wars.


Yes, you should generally try to take out leaders more quietly. Trump was probably too loud. Control Freak Lunatics lie to Trump too much. The swamp have been stopping Trump to an extent. There is an internal struggle with the stay behind networks in U.S. government. So, Trump gets excessive amounts of bad intel, etc.

Trump Tech

I would hope that Trump has had some special technology prior to 2015, prior to when he started running to be the 45th U.S. President in 2015. I would hope that a billionaire like Trump would have enough money to at least try to network with smart people around the world who knows about politics, history, psychology, culture, religion, logic, philosophy, health, business, etc. I'm not saying that Trump knows everything. Trump does not. I don't everything either.

Trump Intelligent Communities

But I would hope Trump could have bought some computers that did not have spy chips in them or backdoors or remote access or other things. I would hope Trump had the time since like the 1980's to begin trying to understand the world. I would hope Trump had enough time to be able to distinguish between truth and deception.

Bad Intel

Like, I would hope Trump would be able to have intelligent networks that he could draw from and compare with what he gets from the Pentagon, etc. I don't know how much Trump knows. It is possible that Trump does not know what he needs to know. From my perspective, it has appeared as if Trump made too many bad choices already. I hope I am wrong about that. All we can do is try our best to tell Trump what he needs to know as much and as often as we can. But at the same time, war is complex.

Complex Situations

But you can't just make these things go away. Some people will hate America no matter what. In other words, you cannot please some people. Some people are trying to seek revenge. There is nothing you can do to stop everybody from what they believe.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Joey. I think if he would've followed the wisdom of someone like Ron Paul, he could have extricated himself from the middle-east immediately and shuttered the embassy that led to this escalation before these events occurred.

However, I think there are security agreements that he's contractually obliged to fulfill in the region which may make a U.S. presence, and possibly an embassy, required elements of the arrangement.

This SOFA agreement, I'm not sure if it ever ended? Troops get removed, and they make a big tadoo about it. However, almost simultaneously, they're replaced with fresh faces. If full removal of U.S. troops is a contingency that triggers the end of the Iraqi SOFA and it's never happened, then they're intentionally prolonging the agreement for their "interests," whatever those may be.

The U.S. has so many Status of Forces Agreements. We've strayed way too far from avoiding entangling alliances. I wonder if the new POTUS's are subject to the President's previous SOFA-like agreements. If that's the case, it might explain why these things never get shut down.

"...if he would've followed the wisdom of someone like Ron Paul, he could have extricated himself from the middle-east immediately..."

Rhetorically he did exactly that. His actions did not meet his rhetoric, and this proves, as it always does, his political rhetoric hollow. It is the proof of his rhetorical grasp of just policy that best demonstrates the deliberate deception undertaken.

No doubt, he was partly ambiguous to begin with,
but there were a lot of red flags that he set off too.

As President, I would at least attempt to bring home the troops regardless of the contracts that the U.S. government may be tied to. America has a lot of leverage. I like Ron Paul and I am against global laws.

No doubt, I think in this case it would be a matter of—What's the penalty for breaking the contract? If it's a hefty fiscal penalty, I could see Trump becoming reticent to violate the terms and conditions. Also, what are the implications for the country if we fail to follow through on our contracts? Nations might become reluctant to do business with us. I'm not sure we're talking about global laws, but rather contract law in general.

If America breaks a contract, how can they punish America? Not do business with America? No. Because the world depends on America more than they say.

"The supreme leader’s position is that he “will consider further negotiations” only when the United States resumes complying with the terms of the nuclear deal, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, a spokesman for Iranian nuclear negotiators in the mid-2000s, told us. “By destroying the deal, Trump destroyed confidence and any chance for future negotiations,” said Mousavian, now a Middle East security and nuclear-policy specialist at Princeton’s Program on Science and Global Security."source

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