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RE: Claiming Mental Landscapes

Are you promoting open borders like Soros does? So, in other words, you are best friends with an ultra rich man. You agree with Rothschild, another very wealthy guy. You promote what they promote. They say what you say. So, you should marry them. Go, down the aisle with them.


You say all this stuff and really believe it too... So, you promote closed borders like Hitler did. You promote free markets like Hitler did. You fight against socialism (or Bolshevism like it was called during the reign of the Nazi's) like Hitler did. You should dig up his corps and marry it... Se how ridiculous that sounds? Wake up Joey!

Hitler promoted Open Borders and Jihadism.

how do you have freedom without open borders btw

Vietnam has a border. I had the freedom to go through the border and live in Vietnam for five years. I enjoyed living in Vietnam. But they have a border. My house has a border. But I have a key. Should my house have open borders? Is a country not like a house? Should every human in the world have a key to your car? Why not open borders for your car or your house? Why not let other people play your video games at any time? While you are making a video while gaming GTA, why not let people come into your house and eat all your food? Do you care about privacy or about control over who can use your computers, laptops, televisions, etc?

my lord you really don't know the first thing about how the world works and it's embarrassing.

god, you're a fucking idiot dude. Soros funding open borders is the most hilariously inaccurate conspiracy theory I've seen so far from you.

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