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RE: My Mother Sat Me Down – A Future Historical Retrospective

Your father is a smart cookie. Now, keep in mind that Rothschild destroyed the integrity of money. So, yes, several families have many trillions of dollars. Much of it is not documented for the public, generally speaking. That means, when you Google for the rich people on earth, they may not tell you about Rothschild, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Ford, central bankers, Soros, etc.


Sadly, My parents are both deceased.  But yes, My father was quite awesome - though I may be biased...   LOL!  And yes, They hide Themselves, the uber-rich.  But I am unsure what You mean by "the integrity of money."  Though money is merely a tool, it is a dangerous one, as irrespective of the token used, it will promote psychopaths to power.  If the token is in goods and services, the psychopaths will work to monopolize needed goods - like water access, say - and if it is in tokens, They will gain the power that large numbers of tokens offers.

And given it all merely accounts for Our energy, and given We have free energy (I have a video I will link here that explains why I know this, and which involves My father) which the psychopaths hide, We can put that tool down and pick up much better tools.  Ones that will not promote psychopaths.

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