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I support capitalism. In other words, if you run around the world buying, selling, renting, donating, leasing, products, goods, services, property, money, then I do not want international and federal governments to throw you in jail because of that. I want people to be as free as possible to do good things and bad things to the extent it does not hurt other people, the environment, etc. Now, I believe in the value of going to court. So, I want judges to be as objective as possible in settling cases concerning private property conflicts.


So, what kind of libertarian are you @joeyarnoldvn? A minarchist, constitutionalist, anarcho-capitalist? I already know you blindly support capitalism and hate government, but I don't see any kind of libertarianism working in the real world...


Will you let me take bits and pieces from all of those?

Free Markets:

When I say capitalism, I simply mean free markets. So, in others, I don't want government to have control over your money, your property, your time, your whatever.

Make Government Smaller

Do you disagree with that? When I say capitalism, I simply mean anti-authoritarianism. I simply mean anti-tyranny. I love private property, competition, choices, free markets, working hard, choices, decision, individualism, nationalism, family first, country first, freedom, local communities first, etc, etc.


I simply mean not communism, socialism, Marxism, Stalinism, Maoism, Leninism, fascism, Nazism, cronyism, crony capitalism, fake capitalism, anti free market capitalism, any bad versions of capitalism that you may think is capitalism, any of the fake news concerning capitalism, etc, etc, 1984 Big Brother control, globalism, New World Order (NWO), CFR, UN, EU, Soros, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Walmart, technocracy, plutocracy, corporatism, monopolism, tech cartel tyranny, Agenda 2030 tyranny, Big Pharma tyranny, Rothschild World Bankers tyranny, Jihadism, etc, etc.

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