
I think there are only two possible strategies: intimidate or obfuscate and buy time (run out the clock). They're doing some of both, but I think you're right that the latter strategy is the primary one.

I think they are going to lose more ground in the midterms. Trump has performed well, and they won't be able to get away with blocking true conservatives and conducting vote tampering operations. After the midterms, we will have a unique opportunity to start a full-blown inquisition of deep state actors; maybe even get rid of whole departments. We don't have to gain much ground; just a little. If we do, many of the establishment types will roll over to the liberty movement, and we'll have a chance to actually get things done (not that we haven't already!).

"...many of the establishment types will roll over to the liberty movement..."

I would sooner self-amputate various appendages than trust one of those vipers. Count on the support of cravens at your peril. I will not.

Depends on what you're counting on them to do. If you're counting on them to do the right thing when no one is looking, then no, you shouldn't trust them to do that. What you can trust them to do is operate according to what they see as being in their immediate best interests. If Trump plays it right, he can strong arm them once he has a few more allies in Congress.

I reckon they are very reliable. You can be certain that at their first opportunity they will betray you. Trump plays that game far better than I, so you may be right.

However, I reckon the reverse is just as true, and that the dog can wag the tail, which is what I actually think is happening. You can see my comment below for why.

Holy crap. You must just spend hours a day researching this crap.

A friend of mine (@checkraize) who is obsessed with Syria, also believes that Trump must be compromised regarding Syria. But he's done so much good (deregulating, annulling agreements that give judicial powers to foreign organizations, getting rid of the state income tax write-off that subsidizes commie states like Cali and NY, etc.), That I think it's fair to say that his heart is in the right place.

Of course, he doesn't have as much power as he should, as the leader of the executive branch, but he's still the most powerful individual in the US government, and he's draining the swamp, slowly but surely. I'm optimistic about the midterms and what happens afterward.

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Was it Einstein that said 'You can't solve a problem with the same thinking that caused it.'?

The solution to the problems caused by statism aren't soluble via states. Getting your clown in the circus won't fix the circus, particularly as the DNC has proved beyond doubt that the elections are rigged.

We need to stop supporting clowns.

That's true. In the end, the solution is for a growing network of contractual obligation to slowly displace government until it becomes obsolete. That will happen and is happening. But governments can stand in the way of that. So the solution is to support governments that minimize their interference in matters of free association. We don't have to abolish government. We just have to have a relatively unintrusive government. So long as we can have that, over the long term, private adjudication, private security, and interlocking contractual obligation will slowly take over.

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While Donald Trump did not need to undertake the electoral process to seek the Presidency (which is a sacrifice that is not only unpleasant, but very dangerous), and I remain utterly opposed to HRC, I cannot agree he is free from various controls.

"...we only got this far because an Outsider that is in the back pocket of nobody..."

If you refer to Trump in that quote, you are not aware of his debt to Wilbur Ross (a Rothschild agent), nor his further links to Netanyahu, who used to sleep in Jared Kushner's bed when he stayed with the Kushners, rather than stay in a hotel.

During the campaign, I watched 4chan blow up with astoundingly professional memes featuring 'GEOTUS' in varying heroic costumes, poses, and scenarios. Psygroup (have a search) did a masterful job of recruiting there, and elsewhere.

George Webb, whose campaign began with searching for Eric Braverman and proceeded to reveal the Awan spy ring and despicable DNC treachery (which is what led me to Steemit), eventually admitted he was affiliated with Mossad 'Old Guard' and that they were intent on destroying HRC because her corruption was 'bad for business' (which I assume meant would lead to them being embroiled in her scandals, which she seemed too avaricious to avoid).

Trump has 5 Goldman Sachs alumni in his cabinet, John Bolton as NSA, and 'Bloody' Gina Haspel as CIA Director. It could hardly be more clear given these facts that Trump is inextricably woven into the Rothschild/Zionist NWO.

I believe that Trump wanted to extricate the US from Syria, but cannot due to the political realities of his dependencies. Further, it is difficult to believe that Trump remains beyond taint given his long friendship and association with both the Clintons, and Jeffery Epstein. I cannot provide any hard evidence of such taint, but birds of a feather (and Stormy Daniels) flock together.

I suspect that Trump's tweets regarding certain situations, such as 'Why isn't Podesta in jail yet?' and his statements that he would pull US troops out of Syria, and fully release the JFK files, indicate his personal intentions. What I see is that the US President either does not have actual power to command federal agencies, or was dissembling about those things, or both.

What most worries me about Trump is his failure to disavow torture and the despotic excesses of war by assassination, rendition, and covert support for terrorists, while neither securing the rights of Americans particularly listed in the Bill of Rights. Where his own personal politics and those of venal banksters coincide lies tyranny beyond my imagination.

I wish I could believe he was free to act as he saw fit, because I believe he is a better man than he plays on TV. My beliefs matter little however. It is his actions that will define him, and our nation after him.


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