We have reached rationing of reasoning


Venezuela is one of the most unequal countries in the world, the immense riches are enjoyed by few and the great miseries are suffered by the majority. If this regime were socialist according to its postulates the thing would be the other way around.

The five fingers of the hand separately are five independent units. Close them and it will be a fist that multiplies the strength. This is the logic of organizations.

For those who preach that the law in Venezuela is rotten, I must tell you, they are wrong, the law is immaculate in Venezuela, since what we have seen is not right, it is politics, communist politics if it is rotten and the law has only been set aside. As for, the time to do justice, the same will be done against those who have rotted politics and that will be taken care of by those who protect the law.

Communists do not know civil or commercial law. They only know the criminal law. Any free act of man makes it a crime. When politics enters through the doors of the court, Justice commits suicide by throwing herself out the window.

In short, if the socialist revolution in Venezuela is rotten, those who profess and defend this system at the top; It's the worms.

In conclusion; in Venezuela we have reached rationing of reasoning. If the police are afraid of the underworld, what is left for the citizen? It seems to me that this heat wave is a product of the fact that the border is closed and the breeze does not enter. And to complete the paragraph; the laboratories in the country do not have reagents, so we have the snails, because neither tobacco nor coffee erases; there are.

Written by Jhon A. Romero.-

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