
They are not doing anything! I think they may be trying tohurt Trump. Cut off their nose, to spite their face?

They are bringing in truck loads of blank ballots. THEN the next day, they find truck loads of ballots. AND would you believe it, they are all cast for the liberal candidates? Isn't that amazing...NOT!

Doing some basic testing for common ink, fingerprints, and signature analysis, would PROVE this treason by way of forgery, and felony ballot manipulation!

BUT right now, it looks like the swamp is letting this ride! We need to try, convict, and hang all those involved, from Both parties!


that's a sad day for America that this is happening and is being allowed to happen!

We need to fire the RINOs and get back to the business of the Republic! I am disgusted by their flagrant violations of the Law!

They need to be jailed! We need to start over!


sir smithlabs! That's pretty hard to do since everything has to be done through the current system.

We have fed them dog food in elections before! We just have to vote so many ballots that they can NOT steal our Republic from us!

Then we can FIRE THEM, and start over! What we have has become feces.


well sir smithlabs it seems to be true that if the victory is not close then they have no chance to steal it!

Actually, they have the ability at this time, to stuff the ballot box by about 10% before the polls close. THEN the step in a steal the election, by forging the ballots they need to catch up. SO, to be "Even" we need 60% of the vote, then we need to watch them like a hawk!

Otherwise they will bring in truckloads of blank ballots, and then "Find" a truck load of 'misplaced' ballots.


sir smithlabs's hard to believe they can do this. Has anything happened where you said they were stealing it right now, I forgot where that was?

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