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RE: Would we be safer without guns?

in #informationwar6 years ago

oh my! I love this story, she is truly gifted. It reminds me of Bob Munden the world's fastest and most accurate quick draw specialist. He does aim on alot of shots but not on the fast draw ones of course and when he throws quarters in the air and just shoots them. Lots of youtube videos of him. anyway she is amazing. I've never heard of anyone not ever using sites!


She is amazing. She is an artist, but went to school for Pharmacist. I asked her why she chose that instead of art, and she said; "Dad, have you ever heard of a starving Pharmacist?" She is pretty sharp, LOL! She is still doing art, and has paintings in offices where she lives.

She names guns she likes, and her new 40 is named Chastity, LOL!

that is so excellent and wise. where'd they get all their wisdom from?

ROFLOL; their Momma is very Smart! She has been my one and only, since she was 13! I was a cradle robber.... :)

They are both MENSA level; but I worked at teaching them common sense, and how to THINK.

Taught him to cook, and her to work on cars. Jennifer's first car was a 1960 Chevy Impala, that we totally rebuilt.

what the?? are you making all this up? this is amazing, you should write a book. that was very wise to teach them the opposite typical gender roles, or not roles maybe but well you know what I mean. Your wife's smarts, your wisdom combined with elements of good parenting and you come up with hardworking successful genius sharp-shooters!

I am very proud of them both, they are well rounded!

Philip is working at TU, because if you work there, you get free tuition, and he want to take his Batchelors degree to a Doctorate (TU is a very good, and expensive school). He wants to be an Archaeologist, since Kindergarten, LOL! He also rebuilds cars; a 1978 Porsche 928, a 1990 Range Rover, and a 1973 Mercedes 280I; He kind of likes old cars. :)

Jennifer is amazing too, a true Renaissance Woman! Here is a picture of one of her paintings in an office.

Jennifers picture.jpg

She gets to keep her art this way. Except for the wedding cakes she makes, they get eaten, LOL! But the single thing she made I am most proud of in my Grandson, Merrick!

you are truly rich my friend! God bless you all!

He is truly faithful, and takes care of us all!

Jennifer dies Not like my herbal medicine use, LOL. This is my pride and joy!


oh what a priceless photo, thanks for sharing.
Jennifer thinks herbal medicine is not science huh?

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