
Come to think of it, both my kids carry 40 cal pistols. Philip is a CLEET guard on a local private university (Tulsa University) and Jennifer is a Pharmacist with CC. Both like 40 cal pistols. and both are dead shots!

TU requires a shooting test every three months. Passing is 70; Philip was mad he only got 96. We went to the range so he could practice with the new firearm. :) Jennifer does not use sights, so she may be just a little better....

wow I want to be around those guys if it gets bad! what does Jennifer use if she doesn't use sites?

She had a 22 rifle when she was 7 (Both kids did). We were plinking foam washing down a creek when she was 15. You shoot the foam, then the smaller foam, and yet again the smaller; until it washed too far down to be safe to shoot at. We had been at it for several hours, both hitting well; when she asked me what the sights were for....

I told her they were for sombody else, LOL! The ultimate goal of trick shooters, is to shoot without using the sites, and they work for years to get there!

My Baby girl is not one you want shooting at you! She KNOWS where that bullet is going to hit, before she pulls the trigger!

oh my! I love this story, she is truly gifted. It reminds me of Bob Munden the world's fastest and most accurate quick draw specialist. He does aim on alot of shots but not on the fast draw ones of course and when he throws quarters in the air and just shoots them. Lots of youtube videos of him. anyway she is amazing. I've never heard of anyone not ever using sites!

She is amazing. She is an artist, but went to school for Pharmacist. I asked her why she chose that instead of art, and she said; "Dad, have you ever heard of a starving Pharmacist?" She is pretty sharp, LOL! She is still doing art, and has paintings in offices where she lives.

She names guns she likes, and her new 40 is named Chastity, LOL!

that is so excellent and wise. where'd they get all their wisdom from?

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