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RE: We have come to a decision point in our History, do we protect our most innocent lives, or allow their continued Murder?

in #informationwar5 years ago

well the good news is that fewer are being performed and the public opinion is only for early term abortions so that is an encouraging trend. It's amazing when you hear them talk about it in terms of "women's health" but they never, ever mention
the baby or the baby's health or rights. It's an abomination, murder plain and simple.


We need to keep up the pressure, and force a better outcome! WE MUST stop the holocaust, it is abomination!

Murder most foul....


it's the greatest sin of the nation that we ever made it legal.

The Founding Fathers worried about Judicial activism where the courts would exceed their authority and make law from the bench. There is no protection from that in our System.

They decided that with Good Christian Men on the Bench, it was an acceptable risk, to get everyone to sign off!

It worked until the liberals stacked the Bench with Minions of Satan!


Very true. We need a revival and need good Christian men and women in office but who
would want to be a politician?

Judges who step outside of their JOB, and try to write LAW, should be removed and banned!

YOU are Right, we Need a revival, badly!


I think it's coming sir smithlabs but I hope it's soon! It needs to start in Oklahoma though, clean up some of that mess.

WE put a real Conservative into the Governor's Mansion! So clean up is in progress here already.

BUT Our entire Republic needs to beg GOD for his forgiveness, for allowing all this CRAP to go so far!


very true and it's back to the Church and not doing her part, shirking her responsibility and not wanting to get involved in politics and then most importantly...not voting Biblically!

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