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RE: So....what exactly is FEMA going to do with 2500 gallons of hydrogen cyanide???...False flag alert....

in #informationwar6 years ago

howdy there again @mepatriot! what is this cyanide used for, does it have another use besides killing people? I read that first article, I used to listen to Dave Hodges on the HaggmanandHaggman internet show.


There aren't many non-lethal uses. There are a couple industrial uses, but FEMA is not an industry.

ok well that's what I figured. Hey talking about FEMA, what are all the fema camps for? the last I heard about them was about 5 or 6 years ago and Jesse Ventura did a show about them and they were fully staffed and ready to go but with no one in them as far as prisoners.

And then recently when the feds said they didn't have places for these immigrant kids and would have to build new ones or find new ones and I'm like..what about all the fema camps sitting there empty?

They aren't going to use them for anything but us...when they are ready.... They can't let reports leak out.

so even though they could be perfect to use right now they don't those facilities advertised so they won't use them. what do you think about Ventura?

Mostly right on most things. I'm worried about his atheism, and his connections to Maj. General Albert Stubblebine (now deceased) and his wife, Dr. Rima Laibow...who were mind control people.

mind control, really? I wonder if he used any of their techniques when he ran for governor? maybe people got duped. I remember now about his atheism, I'd forgotten about that but it's been years since I heard him, he used to have an internet show but I don't know if he still does. I know he moved to Mexico because he was so depressed about the United States and I think he had threats against his life because of his shows, trying to reveal things like the FEMA camps which I've still never heard anyone explain what those are for, some people think they're in case of natural disasters.

Yea...I heard he's living on the Baja... I sill see him on the internet with new videos once in awhile. If he ran for POTUS against Trump and whatever D, he would get my vote, for sure. At least he understands 911 and the deep state.

I'm not saying he personally was involved with it, but he was friendly with those two...

I think he's like in hiding, no way he wants to run does he? that would be wild!

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