
Well then the Germans
Need to rise up if they want
To save their country.

                 - janton

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Let's hope they do. Some major western nation needs to set an example for lily-livered Americans.

yes for when this kind of thing happens here? they are just learning on the other countries but we are the main target I believe.

Very perceptive. I agree.

That will not happen. 3-4 generations of brainwash and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

hey there @argalf..what will not happen? I probably agree with you but I'm not sure what you're saying here, who is paying their toll?

well then the Germans need to rise up

That will not happen.

3-4 generations of brainwash and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

... because the Germans as a majority are brainwashed enough to not even think about an uprising. "Everything is fine, we have the best and wealthiest nation in whole Europe", blablabla... They see no reason to stop anything.

and a therefore obedient mindset paid their toll...

... should read "paid it's toll" :)

oh howdy there @argalf this fine Sunday evening and thank you so much for the explanation which makes perfect sense now, sorry I didn't comprehend it at first.
Are you in Europe and how do you know so much about Germany?
thanks so much!

Hi @janton,

Are you in Europe and how do you know so much about Germany?

I am a native German and live here since 50+ years. So, yes, i think a have good expertise... :) Of course my opinion stated above is just my point of view and there are others.

But what all sides will confirm is, that the community is extremly divided in just two parts since 2015 and the scale rised massively with the refugee-thing. If you aren't fully and without any doubts "pro-refugee", you have to be a far-right person. There's nothing in between accepted, even the slightest question catapults you in that pocket.

If you are not with me, you must be against me.

I personally do not like these left-right classifications that much and discribe myself being a "Libertarian".

The Mainstream Media (TV, newspapers) is completely on course of the government, no different point of view is allowed.
Censorship in the social media is already widely implemented and even accepted, as every single act of repressing the free speech is "for security reasons" and "against far-right". Being "against far-right" (which in Germany means "being extremly left-wing" only) is provided as a must-have because of the history, as it's taught to german school kids. That's what i meant by 3-4 generations of brainwash.

Unfortunately this mindset spreads even in the german steemit community more and more. :( As there is no censorship implemented in steemit itself (like on Facebook, Twitter or Youtube), it's done via watchbots, flagwars and trolling by self-proclaimed "we-are-the good-ones" people and get's more organized day by day.

My perspective to deal with this failed state?
I'll probably leave the EU the earlier the better to protect my family from the inevitable desaster.

Always keep in mind, that a coin has two sides, so a statement regarding this stuff may sound totally different from another German or EU-citizen.

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