
Thanks, this one everyone should understand! Blm is a terrorist organization no different from many liberal constructs.


And in an effort to de-escalate the situation everyone bends over backwards and empowers them.
I heard that Eskimo Pie is changing their name. How in the world is that a racist name? lol.

De-escalate with arrests, followed by jail!

Uncle Ben's is on the chopping block too.

Overuse if a term dilutes the meaning; Racist means nothing today!


Yes, Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima. On the news the other day they went to Hawkins, TX where Aunt Jemima was from and they talked to all the black folk there, some of them were her relatives and they all said they loved having the Aunt Jemima brand and said it had nothing to do with race.

I had heard they were mad at her legacy being tainted. She was not a slave, she was paid...well, for 20 plus years to be a spokeswoman. These people are working overtime to find something to be offended about!


Exactly about trying to be offended at everything. It's kinda like the dang matter what us Texicans say they seem to get offended. I reckon it's just jealousy. lol.

Not jealousy, simply pity, LOL! :)

"We'll send you lots of oil now don't you fear...if you promise not to move down here!"


Thanks. Does OK have lots of oil where you're at?
Hey, I heard something on the news tonight about OK and the U.S. Supreme Court giving half of the state to the Indians. What was that about?

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