Protesting Mandatory Hospital Staff Injections

in #informationwar3 years ago


Supporting Our Hospital Workers

Remember during the spring of 2020, all the bizarre celebration of the "front line" workers. They were called "heroes" and on the "front line" of the COVID plandemic?

Now is the time that they need our help.

The Henry Ford Health System of hospitals employs about 33,000 people. For the past 6 months, has been a massive push to vaccinate 100% of hospital workers, however only about 60% have accepted the injection. That's 40% of hospital workers have opted out. They know better than most about the risks involved.

The Henry Ford Health System announced they will be requiring all staff members, students, volunteers and contractors to receive the COVID vaccination beginning on September 10th, 2021.

Protests outside FIVE Hospitals

Yes, the time has come where there are PROTESTS outside of our medical establishments! This goes far beyond simply supporting workers pressured to get injected, but an opportunity for "we the people" to express our disgust and outrage over the social pressure for EVERYONE to participate in the social experiment.

Participating in the protest, I can testify to the massive number of people standing in solidarity with hospital staff. Many cars and trucks honked their horn and gave THUMBS UP as they passed by on the street.

"We stand with you!!!" I heard from a passing car, honking their horn repeatedly.


An organic, grass-roots protest was quickly organized to support the bodily decision of hospital workers who are refusing the poke 'n' squirt.


We the People are Next

If health care systems can mandate the poke, we will see many more businesses and organizations requiring the same. Eventually, we'll see local communities requiring the medical procedure, if nothing is done now to stop the spread of medical discrimination.

If we're not willing to stand up for those in the community under pressure to submit to the injection, then who would we expect to stand up for us?







End Medical Tyranny


That sharp gentleman in the middle is Wright Lassiter III, CEO of the Henry Ford Health System. It was his decision to mandate the poke as a term of employment.

“Since we administered our very first COVID-19 vaccination last December, we have consistently advocated for vaccination as the best way to protect ourselves and prevent the spread of this devastating virus,” - Bob Riney, president of health care operations and chief operating officer

The phrase "protect ourselves" is a fascinating use of words, in my opinion. Considering the religious zeal for administering the poke to at least 75% of the population, it doesn't look good that medical professionals are refusing the procedure. Is there pressure (or threats) being placed on the leaders of the medical systems?

"We received broad support from our patients, team members, and the community for our decision to order a COVID-19 vaccine for team members. At the same time, we recognize that uncertainty remains for some, and we respect the rights of those members of the Henry Ford family, as well as those in our broader communities, to voice their concerns. Data and science continue to improve the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, including mitigating new and emerging threats such as the delta variant. As such, we know more than ever that vaccination is the absolute best way to end this epidemic, and we remain confident in our decision. We are very committed to working with any team member who has concerns or questions.”

Medical Tyrants: How confident in your decision are you now that hundreds have come out to protest your mandate? Do you hear the countless cars blaring their horns in front of FIVE of your hospitals? These are your customers. These are the people say that you serve.

The best way to "end this epidemic" is to completely reform our medical system.



Say NO to medical tyranny!

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