BLM Protest a Few Miles From Our Home

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)





What a difference between the local BLM protest and lockdown protest in Lansing.

The Spirit of Release: Lockdown in Lansing

Having packed up my family (three times) to protest the "lockdown" in Lansing Michigan, I'm familiar with the spirit of protest. We were EXPECTING anger in Lansing, profanities and aggression. We stayed in our car, rolled down the windows and made as many observations as we could.

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We were met with fun, joy, many smiles and good conversations with my family. Many American flags waving, uplifting music playing. Very few people wearing masks. We saw police chatting and at ease with the protesters. I did not feel that I put my family in any sort of danger being there.

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There were business owners, business supporters, families and patriotic Americans gathered in Lansing with a spirit of optimism and joy. We saw a protester purchasing sandwiches from a Lansing business with an AR strapped around his neck, without issue. We witnessed people handing out free burgers to people on the capital lawn! We saw people handing out gifts to other protesters. There was a spirit of both an EASE and an EXCITEMENT in the air, as a clear message was being sent to the politicians in Lansing. Even though we were upset at what was happening, we felt we were doing something good to address it. When the protest was over, everyone willingly left and went home without any police intervention.

The gridlock protest was directed at the politicians in Lansing.

The Spirit of Oppression: BLM in Suburbia

When we heard a protest was happening closer to home, we had to check it out. We packed up the children and drove to our local shopping district where BLM (Black Lives Matter) was marching over a one mile stretch. We stayed in our car, rolled down the windows and made as many observations as we could.


The first thing we noticed is that the police presence was much more noticeable. Police were everywhere and they were nervous. The most noticeable difference was the spirit there was angry and extremely oppressive. Most protesters were wearing masks. The body language was best described as sad or angry. Fists in the air. Screams and shouts. Very few families. Not a lot of joy. Undertones of aggression. They were ramping up for a riot. We saw businesses boarded up. Car dealerships parking their cars in the back behind a locked fence. Police cars stationed in bank parking lots. Protesters dressed in black. Helicopters hovering low over the crowds. BLM said they were "bringing it to the suburbs" and they made good on their promise - this stretch of road ia a main artery of local commerce in this area. Surrounded by suburban neighborhoods and businesses. Thankfully for this local economy, the storm passed and the protesters were directed home with police intervention.

The BLM protest was directed at the police and the people of the local community.

Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

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