in #informationwar3 years ago


For those in the States: Happy 4th of July!

It's Fireworks!

The Tuttle Twins are celebrating the Fourth of July Weekend by giving away the farm. No, like discounting their entire series of books and accessories 3/4ths of the way to zero. Crazy! Check out the deal here.

Gets Better Every Year!

New books, new parent guides, new toddler books, new teen books... Libertas Press is going all out this year:

  • All TWELVE Print Books
  • All TWELVE Audio Books
  • All TWELVE Parent Guides (PDF)
  • All TWELVE Workbooks (PDF
  • Three Toddler books
  • Three Teen books (Choose Your Own Consequence)
  • Declaration of Independence Book (PDF)
  • TWO Stickers: End the FED and Don't Tread on Me ...or on anyone else.

(that works out to about $1.50 per item!)

Get them all here

Teach These Concepts To Children

These books are educational and entertaining for children and adults enjoy them too. They are well illustrated, have interesting stories with valuable lessons learned.

Each book teaches a different concept... for children (and adults)!

  • Proper role of government? The Law
  • Spontaneous organization? The Miraculous Pencil
  • Danger of Fiat Currency? Creature from Jekyll Island
  • Problems with over regulation? Food Truck Fiasco.
  • Government overreach? The Road of Surfdom
  • Non Aggression? Golden rule.
  • Anti-Communism? The Search for Atlas
  • How to be an Entrepreneur? Spectacular Show Business
  • Volunteerism? Fate of the Future.
  • Problems with compulsory public schools? Education Vacation
  • Economics? Messed up Market
  • Government wants to help? Leviathan Crisis

Every one of these topics is not only forbidden topics at public schools, but they are becoming forbidden topics in society! These may be among the banned books we see in the future, unless something changes soon. Each book is normally $10 each (worth every penny), but you get them all plus a lot of extra goodies for $86.


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