
Also, that's not even Hitler in the picture.

Adolf Hitler probably met with Charles Lindbergh too. Hermann Goering knew Lindbergh fairly well. Lindbergh lived in the Reich.

Here is a medal Lindbergh got from the Reich, The German Service Cross. He never got rid of it.

lindberghs german service cross.jpg

Royals were friends with Hitler.

Hitler had a Jewish Doctor.

There were some Blacks in the Wehrmacht.

The Third Reich was tight with Hirohito's Empire.

The Churchill Regime divided Europe. The Reich wanted its land back from the first war. The reunification of Germany in three parts was called Anschluss. It was not in the British interest to have Germany as a Continental Power. Negotiations with Poland went on for at least a year, maybe three. Germany was ready to settle on a rail corridor. The Polish were ready to make a deal. The Churchill's told them not to. The Poles were attacking and killing ethnic Germans. Hitler took what was Deutschland's back.

Churchill got his war and Poland got given to the Soviets for the help they gave to Churchill. Two or three generations of Poles lived under Soviet rule for helping to stop a "madman."

Hitler was not the originator of the Big Lie. Neither was Goebbels. They are almost always misquoted. Hitler identified the Big Lie. He put a name to it and exposed how it worked.

I would suggest you learn the facts.

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