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RE: Q to the curators in information project and participants : how do you plan to defeat the childrapists without violence?

Here is my response I also put on your comment.

That's a very random question to make a post about and ask us.

The InformationWar group is about posting/making videos to make people aware of what is going on. It is InformationWar in that we are reporting the stats/data/facts/truth/details that the MSM won't.

We do upvote posts/videos people make that details how the government(CPS and others) ruin children's lives and separate families, as well as pedogate and other related content.

This group is about posting information to inform and change minds, peacefully(as in not calling for actions of violence which is illegal in almost every country). Exposing pedos and reporting the truth is something we do when it comes to child rapists. By the way your phrasing your question you seem to be advocating we should take up arms and physically do something, that isn't what this group is about and it will never be about that. Groups that advocate physical harm(whether righteous or not) get banned from platforms, that ruins our ability to open minds and share the truth if we get banned anywhere(including here). Maybe we aren't radical enough for you, that's fine as we never said we were radicals. We got almost 7,000 views on Youtube and are going to get it to millions if we keep doing what we do. Some of us or all of us agree on a certain corporal punishment on on such things. Personally I(@truthforce writing) don't like the death penalty because it gives the government authority over who to kill(also see abortions), and when govt has the power it will use it, and eventually whoever is in power will use it to kill who they want(60 million babies have been aborted since Roe v Wade).

Your question leads me to believe you want us to incorporate some sort of plans to use violence. That isn't going to happen, ever. You are free to found a group that will focus specifically on defeating childrapists by using violence if you want to(which is illegal in most countries), that isn't what we are about or do.

Anyone can remove themselves from the curation trail at any time for any reason, and they can also undelegate to us freely. The upvotes from our pooled curation trail + delegation is to reward people who write/make videos in the #Informationwar tag, it has never been stated that "it guarantees a bunch of readers".


This group is about posting information to inform and change minds, peacefully(as in not calling for actions of violence which is illegal in almost every country).

I just saying it will yield nothing. The FBI / DoJ protects them. Obama knew...

Your question leads me to believe you want us to incorporate some sort of plans to use violence. That isn't going to happen, ever. You are free to found a group that will focus specifically on defeating childrapists by using violence if you want to(which is illegal in most countries), that isn't what we are about or do.

No ! That's direct problems, or the excuse they wait to assange anyone here...

Thank you for your answer. I like it very much.

I am just trying to say that it's I guess the prison mindset. In the sense that it's about discussing what the guards are doing, while having in reality no realistic hope of escaping it.

and as the guards know they hold the key and use those conversation to their advantages (know what we know, how what they spread is rehashed etc), I am just saying that maybe going dark (or starting to code the prison talk) may have more efficiencies...

it's just I find a little pathetic that here, and in many other places on the internet the investigation on pedo gate (or wtc 7) go way faster than what any official western agency can produce...

anyway ! good luck ! be safe and flee while you !

there can't be a none child rapists in the white house... why obama did nothing on epstein? hehehe... I think it's bigger than a fake or lost birth certificate...

but again, those potus believe to be "the most powerful man on earth", maybe they do too believe to be greater than god? one already spoke about his "choseness"...

gl hf

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