
The only people who will benefit from this bill are domestic abusers who want their victims to be disarmed.

Thanks, I have not gotten a call back from my representative so I will call them again tomorrow.

yes and thats exactly why there are doing it @gooseisland ! Its fight or die time im very much afraid as the clock sits ticking !

They can try to come and take them. They can try. Resistance to the tyranny!!

Too right @goosieslamnd Gun Laws will never stop bad people getting guns ! I mean cocaine is illegal right, but its evrrywhere ! Would be better if people had te right to legally own and register their gun ! Good people and guns do nt kill people, just the tool calleda gun with a bad person operating the trigger !

Here in Chicago bad people give two F*** about gun laws. They drive 30min east to Indiana and buy weapons and drive back to Chicago and light uo the streets. Chicago is one amazing city were I can honestly say the Thugs/Mafia DO NOT CARE about gun laws.

yes thats exactly the reason gun laws are a joke and just a way of rendering the general population to the easy possibility of tyranny when the government who have the gunbs decide to come down one day on every tom ,dick and harry who gave in their guns long ago !!

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