HIllary Is Going Down in Flames Now -- Russia One Sleaze Uncovered

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Hillary Clinton is going to prison. Mark my words. And Julian Assange is the architect of her destruction. How do I know this? Simple. The dam is breaking.

This morning’s article in The Hill lays out in no uncertain terms the collusion between Hillary’s State Department and high-level Russian officials in selling a large portion of the United States’ uranium production to Rosatom, the Russian state nuclear energy giant.

The whole article is damning. I can’t quote any one part because it’s all explosive. You should read it in full and consider the gravity what it lays out.

But what’s contained in the article isn’t even what’s most important. Anyone who has watched M. A. Taylor’s “Clinton Cash” documentary already knows the story. A film co-written and co-produced by none other than Steven K. Bannon, head of Breitbart and the man responsible for the phrase, “President Trump.”

What is important is the timing and the venue. With Julian Assange promising a big data dump and Hillary running her mouth in England, attacking everyone, especially Assange, the release of this article screams that the rats are leaving the sinking ship S.S. Clinton.

The Set Up

Steve Bannon left the White House the day after Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) met with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Assange gave Rohrabacher information that the Congressman said can take down large parts of our government.

Bannon needed to leave the White House to fight from Breitbart. Halsey English and I were on this story the moment it broke.

By Bannon leaving the White House, it puts him in the right place to do the most damage to the people Trump is about to go on the offensive against, Breitbart. By being out of the White House Bannon can securely push the information out through Breitbart without worrying about leaks from the inside.

What could that information be? Only an heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots doesn’t already know what that is.

It’s the smoking gun that ties together the whole sordid L’affair Seth Rich – “His name was Seth Rich – and everyone who’s involved in it. And that, by extension, will unmask the entire “Russia-Gate” accusations as the fever dream of a cornered and frightened DNC leadership, including Lady Macbeth herself, Hillary Clinton.

Actually, the story is even bigger than that, as this morning’s report from The Hill suggests. Russia-Gate was simply a classic Democrat distraction technique to get out in front of an issue they are vulnerable on: accuse the opposition of an almost identical act to misdirect the public. Their goal is to weaken the impact of the imminent exposure of their crimes and fatigue the public by confusing key elements of the narrative right before they are exposed. This allows the press to do their useful idiot dance and counter-spin reality.

Remember it was Trump who brought this issue up first during the campaign last year. And I’m sure Bannon was the one who told him this was a wedge issue that will drive Hillary batty.

And it worked. Because from that moment forward Hillary began accusing Trump of being in league with Russia when he said it was possible for us to be friends with Russia.

The attempt to pillory Trump as a Russian stooge has been nothing less than a blatant psy-op designed to muddy the waters and hide the clear Russian-Clinton connection in the Rosatom scandal, a scandal covered up by the coordinated action of the Obama Executive branch.

This is a lie of such epic proportions that the accusations and use of public funds to investigate an obvious phantasm should by itself lead to indictments.

Because the real collusion story here is that Hillary and high-ranking members of Obama’s administration were guilty not only of espionage and, possibly treason, but also conspiracy to cover-up the entire thing by keeping the FBI investigation open and therefore out of view of both the public and Congress.

From The Hill article:

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefitting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions. [emphasis mine]

The Turn

And that leads us to why this article is so important. Remember, there are zero coincidences in politics. Everything is a game of action/reaction. Hillary’s book tour can easily be viewed as her last attempt to persuade someone (anyone!) that Trump and Assange are Russian agents.

But, no one is listening anymore. In fact, Hillary looks like a crazy bag lady for continuing to scream “Russia! Russia!”

The Hill running this story is just as out of left field as the New York Times breaking the Harvey Weinstein story. These are moves on a chess board. I said the other day that I was convinced Bannon was behind the outing of Weinstein. Here’s your confirmation of that. Taking out Weinstein was a direct attack on Hillary. It neuters any attempt to create moral equivalency with Trump. Moreover, with Bannon out of the White House it doesn’t look like any of this came from Trump himself.

In fact, have you noticed how little Trump has said about Weinstein? Mr. Twitter himself has kept a civil tongue and allowed this to play out on its own.

The people who ran these stories have held their tongues no longer care about the potential Clinton reprisal.

Hillary isn’t president. Every day she loses a little more power, a little more influence. She has become a liability for all of the people she once ruled over. The only thing that has kept her out of prison to this point is figuring out how to take her down without too much blowback.

Obama wants her gone so he can get control of the DNC. Trump wants her gone because she’s guilty and he owes his constituents her scalp. But, it’s a tightrope act to take her down and not take Obama with her. Because taking down Obama brings about a civil war divided along racial lines.

Everyone hates Hillary, but Obama and Trump have been locked in a prisoner’s dilemma of who sticks the knife in first. At this point Hillary is like ISIS getting bombed by Russia and the US while they don’t even talk to each other.

Hitting the Mark

Julian Assange wants his life back. Proving Seth Rich was the DNC leaker is not enough to get him a pardon or allow him to walk freely from the Ecuadorian Embassy without getting shot.

The only way out of this is for Trump, Bannon and Assange to frame this is such a way that Hillary and some of Obama’s people are taken down, the FBI is vindicated and Obama walks away mostly scot free.

In exchange for that, Assange gets to live because once he corroborates everything Hillary has ever been accused of his death would spark another round of bloodletting the country isn’t prepared for.

In taking down someone like Hillary you only get one shot. You have to put maximum pressure on the people protecting her and get them to turn. Bannon and Trump have done that. Once that process starts, the tremors become an avalanche quickly.

Hillary will end up buried in her own lies. And the #MeToo chorus will grow as her minions abandon her, revealing darker secrets than we may be prepared to hear.

For Steemian Eyes Only

And don't think for a second that Putin didn't put this idea of how to take down Hillary into Trump's head when they met at the G-20 in July. This is the kind of meeting where something like this could have been discussed... because, actually Putin has nothing to lose and everything to gain by destroying the neocons, the hollywood jewish lobby and the whole sordid affair.

This also re-calibrates just how much blood Putin will extract from Trump over decertifying the Ian Nuclear Deal.... Now, I'm just spitballing.... so we'll see.



Cool article. Explain Russia's interest in the Iran Nuclear deal position.

Curated for #informationwar
Relevance: Deep State

The tag #informationwar, and posts that would be classified under that tag include methods of Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. The discussion would include governmental doctrine, historical application, Information War on the spectrum of warfare modes, recognition of fakenews, public OSINT, the concept of a Deep State and reaction to it, and critical thinking in analyzing these concepts.

Good article, I think you're right, but perhaps holding back some. HRC has lasted this long, on the meagre resources of her own abilities, because she is so entangled with a web of criminal filth that goes back decades. When she goes down (and she will) the unravelling is going to be momentous. I see no way out of this for Obama - he is just a sock puppet too. Never mind a few trials, this is going to end in a global truth and reconciliation circus for the nest few years... Db

May be... but I really think hitting Obama simply starts a race war like we've never seen in this country. It's one thing for Trump to undo Obama's 'legacy' it's quite another to put him in jail.

If anything, Trump would pardon Obama if there is any way for him to do so... i.e. someone takes blame and tries to shield him... and Trump pardons him in exchange for his help. That kind of thing.

Mmm... I understand why you see it like this, and you may be correct. My sense is that this will spin far beyond Trump, because the tendrils go so much further than him. Obama was just as much a disaster for blacks as any other demographic, and as that is exposed - which it will be - very few will be left to defend him. Especially when the sexploitation comes out (it is already leaking, probably deliberately), particularly involving children... nowhere for any of them to hide then. Humans will switch off to many things, but the depths these people have sunk to will not be ignored once it becomes undeniable to a significant proportion of the masses. Db

Great post!!!!! Can't wait for the clintons to be completely unmasked and all will see the devastation her family/cronies brought to the wold!!!
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Don't mean to cram the redpill down your throat but...... No I'm not. Haha do it I dare ya!!

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also see the two articles linked here:

directly rlelated you your post

I've been hearing Hillary is going to prison for
about twenty five years...perhaps longer.

True. But, I really think the pieces are aligned now. Her minions are no longer protecting her but turning on her and Trump/Bannon are knocking out all of her support pillars. She has no power anymore and that's the difference between now and then.

Fair enough to remain skeptical, but live a little. :)

live a little
what would you suggest?

The Problem is Donald wants her to run again in 2020, so he will do nothing to end her freedom.

I'm linking to this. Thanks.

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