Comey Disbarred? Another Brick Comes out of the Hillary Wall

Former FBI Chief James Comey is going to be disbarred for lying to Congress under oath. Next up? Prison for perjury. Putting Comey on trial is yet another brick being removed from the wall of silence and complicity surrounding Hillary Clinton's illegal activities.

Ty Clevenger, the "crusading lawyer" who has been trying for months to get Hillary and several members of her campaign staff disbarred in every jurisdiction from Little Rock, Arkansas to New York, has now set his sights on a new target: Former FBI Director James Comey. According to the Washington Times, Clevenger filed a bar grievance in New York this week accusing Comey of lying to Congress and destroying potential evidence in the Clinton email scandal, in a process that could end up costing him his law license.

This comes on the heels of finding out the Obama Administration blocked witness testimony that would have stopped the sale of U.S. Uranium assets to Russian state nuclear energy giant Rosatom. Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committe Chuck Grassley (R-IA) wants that person to now testify. But not only that.

Grassley said he wants to know why the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, approved the Rosatom purchase of Uranium One despite the existence of an FBI investigation which could have impacted CFIUS’ approval.

Circa reported Tuesday that 15 months before the 13 members of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, known as CFIUS, approved the sale of Uranium One to Russia’s nuclear arm giant Rosatom, the FBI had already began investigating persons who were connected to the Russian state corporation.

Long Story Short

As I said in my article the other day, Hillary is going to wind up in jail here. This Uranium One story bypasses the original mandate of Special Council Robert Mueller's Investigation. It now implicates him along with Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. And so, either these guys will play delay and pray tactics a little bit longer or one of the following scenarios will play itself out:

  1. Mueller will be forced to end his investigation without indictments or conclusions very soon. Removing the impeachment threat from Trump

  2. Mueller and Rosenstein are actually working for Trump and his investigation is what helped put the pieces together while turning the court of public opinion against Hillary.

  3. Rosenstein will recuse himself and allow Sessions to appoint someone else to head up the investigation.

Regardless, I believe a lot of this comes because now Sessions has a new Chief of Staff, Matt Whitaker, who has publicly been critical of the Mueller investigation. Rosenstein and Mueller have had a free hand for months because of Sessions' recusing himself from the proceedings.

That time is over. And it looks like the respite that Hillary has enjoyed is also coming to an end.


Let's hope he not only gets disbarred but goes to prison along with Hillary.

I've lost confidence in the system. So many compromised individuals are still in positions of power. This latest revelation is damning, but somehow the mainstream media is totally silent?

I hope you're right but I worry that the big cover up will continue.

The MSM is part of the system. Trump and Bannon are destroying them. That's what should give you hope not despair. Someone is going after them directly and landing major body blows. They will only cover this stuff when forced to.

And once that starts it won't stop. Keep pressure on by supporting the alternative media platforms and creators and take their power away from them by taking their eyeballs and advertisers away from them.

Everyone can do their small part to help Trump.
Cancel their cable.

Haven't we learned anything? Doesn't matter what they do, people like that do not go to jail.

One can only hope.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Update on Breaking news

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