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RE: "Russiagate" hoax; The Hegelain Dialectic used to ramp up censorship with full support from most Americans.

in #informationwar5 years ago

I didn't mean to offend you sir!
It's about one thing we are all against the what so called globalization. Sorry if I offended you in any way sir! I am also a political observer my whole adult life. I only see corrupt shi* everywhere I look and I think Trump, Putin, Salvini are not corrupt. That's my opinion which u received through massive research in the last years. Have a nice day / evening.

Posted using Partiko Android


I am not offended, but I do realize the difficulties in arguing with someone from another culture whose impressions are generated from such distance and through various filters. You should trust me when I tell you the truth that Trump is not a "good man" in any traditional sense, but then again neither were many of the past leaders throughout history that God has used to bring about good outcomes. Let's hope that is again the case here.

You have a good night as well, my friend.

Mhm, I may be far away but I am connected to many Americans who have the same thoughts on him as me. He did so many good things now and before he got president. But it's okay everyone has his or her opinion. Good night, my friend!

Posted using Partiko Android

I can almost guarantee you that you haven't had contact with any Americans who have studied to the degree I have the way our elites ALWAYS use the Hegelian Dialectic to appear to be forwarding "the will of the people" while doing exactly the opposite.

While I continue to reserve absolute judgement, most of Trump's "grand accomplishments" fall flat when examined through the prism of actual results "on the ground."

He is COPY-ACTING Ronald Reagan, and accomplishing even less than that phony "conservative" did. You do not go from being a liberal NYC Democrat to a Republican populist in a 3-year span at his age; and, the fact that he was PRACTICING ACTING full time, and largely ignoring his businesses during "the transition," is very suspect, at a bare minimum.

Trump stated that he was never a Democrat nor a Republican. He is for whatever is right.. You're right Reagan and Trump have much in common. Reagan was a good one too, until he got shot he did everything he was told to. What are your thoughts about JFK and JFK JR. JFK JR and Trump were good friends. And Trump doing big accomplishments behind the scene ;). You have to look into the Q "conspiracy" and you will see what he is really up to. But if you don't it's okay for me. And my opinion won't change, because of that..

Posted using Partiko Android

Q is a psyop.

If you got telegram maybe you can give me your username, I would love to invite you to the American the great awakening group, maybe the US citizens can lift you up on that :)

Posted using Partiko Android

If the "great awakening group" thinks Trump is some kind of Messiah, and that "Q" and Trump are part of these mystical "white hats" getting ready to pop out and save America, they are the ones desperately in need of an awakening.

(What is "telegram" anyway?)

Telegram is a messenger for Android and ios. I thought the same that it is a l
Psyop but it's not many proofs imo that it is not.

Posted using Partiko Android

Then why all the failed dates? Why all the lack of discernible movement towards/against the billionaire's even more corrupt pals?

(I don't have any of those devices, unfortunately. Not even a cell phone...I'm not big on being constantly trackable.)

You can install telegram on your computer also. Failed dates aren't the clue for a psyop more of misleading an enemy. The enemy reads everything you know that

Posted using Partiko Android

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