The Transgender Agenda: The Governor's New Clothes.

in #informationwar6 years ago

Headline: Christine Hallquist, a Transgender Woman, Wins Vermont Governor’s Primary

This dude wants you to call him "her".


7 hrs ago

BURLINGTON, Vt. — On a cloudy afternoon this summer, Christine Hallquist, a former utility executive from Vermont, listened closely as Danica Roem, the Virginia state delegate who won national recognition when she became the first transgender person elected to her state’s Legislature, offered tips as the pair canvassed a stark residential neighborhood here.

Danica Roem

Ms. Hallquist is transgender, too,(who would have guessed?) but Ms. Roem’s advice had nothing to do with gender identity. Try a light, rhythmic knock. (probably something you need to practice with man hands) Leave a handwritten note with campaign literature if no one is home. Try to earn every vote.

“I have so much to learn,” Ms. Hallquist said, duly incorporating Ms. Roem’s lessons with each new knock.

Indeed you do sir, growing your hair out and whatever else you are doing or have done has not turned you into a woman despite the NYT using female pronouns when referring to you.

On Tuesday, those lessons paid off, and Ms. Hallquist, a Democrat, made history of her own. She became the first transgender candidate to be nominated for a governorship by a major party, beating three other candidates in Vermont’s Democratic primary, according to The Associated Press.

"Making history" is when any member of any identity group wins any election whether or not they are qualified for the position. For example there was a recent NYT and all the other MSM buzz about how a black woman was "making history" by being the first black Democrat to be nominated in Connecticut, no where in the story did they mention that the Republicans in Connecticut actually put a black man into Congress in 1991. Some history, way to break through the Democrat race barrier, in 2018.

“Tonight, we made history,” Ms. Hallquist said, addressing supporters at an election night party in Burlington. She added, “I am so proud to be the face of the Democrats tonight.”

Actually, I am sort of glad he is the face of Democrats.


It is a remarkable milestone, even for an election year already dominated by an influx of women and a record number of candidates who identify as lesbian, gay, transgender or queer.

A remarkable milestone on the road to perdition. A record number? But who is counting? I guess the NYT keeps race and sexual orientation based lists. How many candidates, identify as "queer" exactly that are not gay, lesbian nor transgender? The least they could do is publish their lists. If you have one party who is dedicated to promoting the lie of identity politics what choice do they have but to put fourth token identity group representatives for office. Then call anyone who criticizes them racist, sexist or anti gay, or in this case "transphobia", any critique or discussion of transgenderism is transphobia.

“Christine’s victory is a defining moment in the movement for trans equality and is especially remarkable given how few out trans elected officials there are at any level of government,” said Annise Parker, the chief executive of the L.G.B.T.Q. Victory Fund, which trains and supports gay and transgender candidates, in a statement on Tuesday evening. “Yet Vermont voters chose Christine not because of her gender identity, but because she is an open and authentic candidate with a long history of service to the state, and who speaks to the issues most important to voters.”

"Authentic" that seems like an ironic choice. Regardless of the voters motivation "Christine" received training and support, and "support" means money, from "the L.G.B.T.Q. Victory Fund" only because he claimed to be a woman.

Ms. Hallquist was not the only transgender candidate on the ballot in the country in recent days. In Hawaii on Saturday, Kim Coco Iwamoto, a lawyer, lost her bid to be the Democrats’ nominee for lieutenant governor.

Clearly there is still a long way to go fighting transphobia in Hawaii, bigots.

And more transgender candidates will be on the ballot soon, including Alexandra Chandler, a former naval intelligence analyst who is running in Massachusetts’s Third District. Ms. Chandler is trying to differentiate herself in a crowded congressional primary in early September by emphasizing both her national security bona fides and the historic nature of her candidacy. “I’m running for Congress,” she said in a recent campaign video, “to be a voice for trans kids out there.”

Emphasize the historic nature of your candidacy, see the definition of "making history" above. This is where things go from just being an absurd farce to being nefarious: at the point where they start targeting children. Essentially progressives have a final solution for transgenderism, much like how Democrats have used legalized abortion as a form of black genocide, being aborted is the leading cause of death for black fetuses and more black babies are aborted than born alive in places like NYC. Their final solution for transgenderism is to identify anyone with any traits that they feel could indicate transgenderism as children, as young a possible, and to start them on drugs that will first suppress them from going through puberty then later drugs that make them sterile. In that way they cannot reproduce, you don't need trains, ovens or force to perpetrate genocide, with good enough marketing you can get people to exterminate themselves.

The Democratic primary in Vermont was a fairly sleepy affair, with no big-name contenders to block a first-time candidate like Ms. Hallquist.(cock blockers!) But from here, her path to the governor’s office could be a narrow one, even though she is a Democrat running in a deeply progressive state. She faces a Republican incumbent, Phil Scott, who is running for his second term with history on his side — Vermonters have not thrown out an incumbent governor since 1962. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report rates the seat as “solid Republican.”

As if this story was not quixotic enough!

Mr. Scott’s popularity fell, however, especially among conservatives, after he signed gun control measures this year. Still, a poll in July by public media organizations in the state found two-thirds of Vermonters supported the law, and nearly half of Democrats had a favorable opinion of Mr. Scott. Only 18 percent of Democratic respondents in the same poll said they had a favorable opinion of Ms. Hallquist, and 55 percent did not yet know who she was.

That may change now that Ms. Hallquist is the nominee, and she is likely to draw national attention — and fund-raising dollars — because of the historic potential of her candidacy. “She’ll raise more money and her message will get out there more,” said Eric Davis, an emeritus professor at Vermont’s Middlebury College. “Even if she doesn’t get elected governor, the greatest contribution of her campaign could be to raise awareness about the issues transgender people face.”

Well, that just might be the greatest contribution of all. Right?

Before she ran for governor, Ms. Hallquist spent 12 years as the chief executive of the Vermont Electric Cooperative, an in-state power utility that she helped to bring back from near ruin. Her transition from male to female took place in 2015, while she was at the helm of the company, and was the subject of a documentary film made by her son.

Poor kid.

As a candidate, she made it part of her stump speech, drawing knowing laughs from her female supporters at a fund-raiser this summer as she talked about what it was like to experience life as a woman for the first time.

Oh dear, the last thing I want to hear about is this guy's stump. Were those knowing laugh from her actual female supporters or other trannies? It's frankly hard to follow with the fast and loose use of pronouns these days.

“I remember the first time after transitioning, a stranger walking by told me to smile — I’m like, ‘Who the heck are you to tell me to smile?’” Ms. Hallquist said. “What my transition has taught me is just how far we have to go.”

That dude was fucking thrilled that he fooled someone, if that actually happened, which I doubt, clearly there are no boundaries to this man's willingness to deceive others and himself, by "we" does he mean "women" or "transwomen" or "ugly sourpusses"?

But she also emphasized her experience with energy and infrastructure, and made speeding up internet access, which lags in some rural parts of the state, a key campaign pledge. Previous governors have made similar promises, but failed to fully deliver. On Tuesday night, she also called for progressive keystones like universal Medicare and stemming climate change.

I thought Democrats already got the healthcare reform they wanted, that's weird. Obamacare was great, we all saved thousands and got to keep our doctors and plans, what is this dude's problem? Would universal Medicare provide for the "treatment" of transgender children?

Ms. Hallquist — who voted for Mr. Scott in 2016, according to the newsweekly Seven Days — also sought to tie her victory to the broader Democratic backlash against President Trump.

There it is, the fake "blue wave" narrative, they hope if they say it enough and hope and wish then it will happen. So let me get this right, the voters rejected the other DEMOCRATS in your primary because Trump got elected? How the fuck does that work?

“This,” she said, “is a reaction to 2016.”

How can Democrats rejecting cisgender Democrat candidates possibly be a reaction to the election of Trump? Is it just evidence that they have completely lost their minds as a result of Trump's election?

With 96 percent of precincts reporting by late Tuesday night, Ms. Hallquist had easily beaten a Democratic field of other little-known candidates, including Ethan Sonneborn, a 14-year-old who garnered 8 percent of the vote.

LOL The Democrats had a teenager and a tranny to choose from!

In a statement, the Republican Governor’s Association posted an image of Ms. Hallquist and called her “wrong for Vermont.”

Yup, that's really all they need to say. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Vermont is a socially liberal state that in 2000 became the first in the nation to establish civil unions, and Ms. Hallquist’s gender identity seemed to fade into the background for many voters.

Wow, I forgot about "civil unions" less than 20 years ago Democrats were vehemently anti gay marriage, Obama and Hillary more than most so they came up with "civil unions". But what does sexual preference have to do with gender identity? They claim they are separated and unrelated when it serves them to do so.

Deborah Billado, the chairwoman of the state’s Republican Party, suggested it would not figure into the general election in a major way.

“I’m not sure why that plays a part in this — we’re talking about two human beings that are running for an office,” Ms. Billado said, referring to Ms. Hallquist and Mr. Scott. “I think that’s as far as the conversation should go.”

Stupid Republican, they don't get that identity politics is the most important thing, all that matters is someone's "identity", they don't see "people" all they see is what's on the outside and they judge people by that, not the content of their character. She doesn't get it, none of that matters, we are making history here.

What do you think?

This @funbobby51 original commentary, please comment, resteem and vote, you know how sad the price of STEEM is!


The war on women (real ones) continues

Indeed, if they have their way leftists would have all men winning all women's sports and being women elected representatives apparently.

I'm more concerned about the women and children who now have to share a bathroom. Cause tolerance and diversity and lgbtqxzybacondoublecheeseburger.

I have yet to get a straight answer about what the fuck a "Q" is. Have you read my previous installments about sport and children's summer camps?

Yea I resteemed one of them.

If I could downvote this I would. Awful, bigoted content. There's no way something like this should make money.

~ Mako

Being powerless to crush your victims financially troubles you?

Good. There's no way someone like you should have that power.

Funny how they want to be able to silence "bigots" instead of just presenting a superior argument.

Please go back to your safe space.

Then call anyone who criticizes them racist, sexist or anti gay, or in this case "transphobia", any critique or discussion of transgenderism is transphobia.

Right on schedule, thanks, which part triggered you the most? Did you get past the title?

That dude was fucking thrilled that he fooled someone, if that actually happened, which I doubt, clearly there are no boundaries to this man's willingness to deceive others and himself, by "we" does he mean "women" or "transwomen" or "ugly sourpusses"?

There's a difference between civil discussion and downright flipping to the opposite end of the hate spectrum. You're not offering criticism, you're just spouting your own bullshit and refusing to do the courtesy of at least entertaining proper pronouns. Who said that a man in a dress who wants to be called "she/her" deserves any less respect than you? Were you touched in inappropriate places by a transgender person when you were a boy?

~ Mako

LOL, so you are a bigot if you don't play along with someone else's delusions? If someone thinks they are Jesus do you call them "My lord"?

Were you touched in inappropriate places by a transgender person when you were a boy?

No, do they do that a lot? Why was that your first thought? Were you?

So kids should be given drugs to prevent puberty right?

LOL, so you are a bigot if you don't play along with someone else's delusions?

Um, yes. By literal definition:

If someone thinks they are Jesus do you call them "My lord"?

Of course not, I let them be and keep my nose out of it. Keep digging your hole, mate.

~ Mako

Definition of bigotry plural bigotries 1 : obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot overcoming his own bigotry 2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot racial bigotry will not tolerate bigotry in our organization

Not playing along with someone else's delusions is not on there. According to that definition anyone who is claiming this fellow is a woman and using the wrong pronoun is a bigot, they are devoted to the opinion that believing you are a woman makes you a woman over what everyone else can plainly see: the objective fact that it doesn't, being a woman is not a state of mind or haircut or manner of dress, it cannot be achieved through surgery, it is a physical and genetic reality. Is this man a man or a cat?

Should he have been provided with litter boxes in public restrooms?

So "of course not" if a crazy man thinks they are Jesus will you play along and that is not bigotry but it is bigotry to not play along if a crazy man thinks he is a woman?

We are not doing any crazy people, no matter what they believe themselves to be that they are not, a cat, Jesus, a woman, any favors by playing along. Would you give someone with anorexia a XXL tshirt to wear just because they believed they were fat? would you call them chunky?

I note you failed to answer several of the questions I asked previously, that speaks volumes, mate.

I note you failed to answer several of the questions I asked previously, that speaks volumes, mate.

Because I'm only answering the points that matter and aren't straw man arguments, like this one:

We are not doing any crazy people, no matter what they believe themselves to be that they are not, a cat, Jesus, a woman, any favors by playing along. Would you give someone with anorexia a XXL tshirt to wear just because they believed they were fat? would you call them chunky?

No, I would stay the fuck out of their business, like you should yourself. A person's decision to be a cat, pretend they're Jesus, transition genders, or get a latte instead of a mocha bears no weight on your day to day life. You going out of your way to be unnecessarily insulting and disrespectful immediately undermines any credibility you have as a productive member of society.

Silly me, it seems I've forgotten the #1 rule of arguing with a bigot: don't.

Good day.

~ Mako

you might want to review the guidelines for flagging, it's not a "disagree" button and it's not very smart to flag those above you or any sort of a way to have a civil discourse.


Please tell me you support the NYT hire Jeong, so I can use her words against you.

Your grasp of reason is pretty loose. Sauce for geese is sauce for ganders, after all. Hmmm... That makes me wonder: if transgenderism is a real thing, are there multiple genders of geese? Squid?

Newp. No other species suffers from the indoctrination and propaganda as does ours. Yet another difference between H. sapiens and all other species.

Why are you fantasizing about trannies touching children? Please get counseling before you (if you haven't already) harm any children. Perhaps the best thing for kids would be for you to remove yourself from society. Voluntary commitment or confession to crimes to gain a sentence in prison may be appropriate.

Please do the right thing for the children.

That makes me wonder: if transgenderism is a real thing, are there multiple genders of geese? Squid?

You show your hand by equating 'gender' with biological sex, and by insinuating that any other living creature can experience dysphoria (and by extension gender dysphoria) in the same way that humans can.

I'm not claiming they're right, I'm not claiming they're wrong. I am claiming that bigotry is bigotry, whatever the source.

Good day.

~ Mako

You show your ignorance by assuming only people have genders, or homosexuality. Almost all mammals show homosexual behaviours, which should indicate to your ilk that they have a similar concept of gender to people.

Dunno about squid.

I'm glad you mention dysphoria, as it's a diagnosis - a mental illness. Calling mental illness what it is isn't bigotry. Calling for people to exacerbate mental illness by acting as if it's sufferers do not merit healing is savagery. Those suffering from mental illness don't need to have their illness reinforced, causing them greater suffering.

Would you pretend a schizophrenic's voices were real? Agree a paranoid was in danger? Srsly, you people are cruel beyond belief, particularly to kids.

Don't worry, after one or two generations their transgender children's eugenics program will have removed any genetic component or predisposition from the disorder. I guess they are operating on the old "nits make lice" theory of genocide.

"Annise Parker, the chief executive of the L.G.B.T.Q. Victory Fund, which trains and supports gay and transgender candidates," Lord what ???? this is getting beyonf ridiculous ! How long before we have a dog on tv barking and somebody " translating" informing the public that the said dog wants to run for President ?? I am sorry tried voting but I was too late it seems, 12 hours before pay out rul ( Ill hit you up on your comment instead ok @funbobby51 ! nice post really )))

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