
some should be executed for their defense of the local pedos others for their support of the paki and co pedos rapists and enslavers, others for the obfuscation of brexit, and finally some for kevin crehan :

fuck them all, they are all domestic enemies from your uk perspectives, and from America foreign enemies... red coats !

and paul joseph watson from infowars is such a pussy coward for not mentioning, assange, tommy and kevin...

dangkula is innocent too !!!! what the hell a dog, and the girl earlier for "hate speech" too !!!

fuck those pc to death. they are domestic (or foreign) threat.

yes the fire we shall set will be seen for hundreds of miles come the day of reckoning ! I agree ! so many cowardly taitors that have facilitated this invasion by the digusting horde of Allah !

and to protect the pedo among the windsor and their associates...

it's clear that the queen is the queen of the pedos.

there is no doubt in my mind about it now...

it's clear, it's war.

in short there is the pedo gang of the queen, and I am not sure yet they work with the pakis, but it is highly probable they use the pakis as decoy...

in the sense the paki provide cover for them.

both are horrible to be annihilated group, until the last one.

Oh you Sir are on the same page as me ! Oh yes this is the thing, adecoy ?? Im not so sure, more prototected partakers in the same vice and sin ! I would say that this Paki network are just he purveyors of young flesh for people that say would not be seen to be doing sucjh things ! Its a business, Pakis love money as much as young kids ! Just like Saville was himself doing back in the seventies, why he was knighted and given the keys to Stoke Mandeville ! They need people doing their " dirty" work for them ! So yes as you so rightly say, its a war now, the British People against its Ruling Class and its immingrant serviteurs and army. On the point od the British army, do you think they will fight their own people ?? When they learn of who and what they have been fighting and dying for ?? Its what has always worried me in this ?? Will the Army shoot its own People when given the order from up there on the Hill ?

yeah, I totally agree... the operational details of those pedo networks (be it using paki directly or indirectly) is clearly an after war question, in the sense that once the perpetrators, from both group are dead... it's not very relevant anymore, and in itself the value to extract is how to prevent it...

but from my perspective those so call brit are in a full on lie... they have no ability to escape it. I believe they will rather die as subject of the pedo network, even give their own daughters and sons rather than fight against the pedo, because the lead pedo is the queen. That is for the rank, for the leadership I clearly believe they are full on the pedo train, and for the few who aren't it's the james bond, way, pussy riders... they have the same mindset as the priest class in egypt, they know to be below the pharao but still way above we the people.

anyway, they lost the independance war, attacked china... there is no way back for them.

I just gratefull to have at least seen the flags at the recent weddings, some of those medivals ones are great... were, in modern warfare... as if there was time to see them... and even the concept of unintegrated forces... just lol...

as we say /\ -


hmmm yeah the Priest class of Eygpt is a brilliant analogy you make, the real enemy is them ! They who are us but do not see themselves as us, but indeed serve them !! So tell me ? What does this " as we say /\ -" refer to ? I think I know already but I am just chacking !! )

thanks a lot, it's clearly that... I would complete and say serve them at the expanse of us... feeding on the scraps that they give them...

it's more than a number, it's an idea, even more an ideal... it represents 5 letters, the aspiration of many people, the quest for independence, liberty, harmony, stability, sustainability and above all sovereignty. let's say it's not bolivia :)... another clue : the area near the 6 lakes is what the bolivian should master... the problem : had they experience scale before? I don't know, but I guarantee you the 6 lakes area did... and massive even to todays standard:).

Now @sweecee I am afraid you have lost me ! I am interested really in what you are trying to get across but this has become a little too cryptic fopr me ! But please do go on as I do feel that yu have some interesting information to share here !

Yup, the UK is basically already lost because they make those who speak out against Sharia into criminals. thus there is no way to stop sharia there.

yes, easy : execute all those that made those law, asset seizure of their surviving families, and wipe the invaders... in 2 months england is cleaned from those filthy traitors, pedos and terrorists.

That suggestion is probably criminal hate speech.

you don't understand how it works...

and as this fucking steemit doesn't want to embedded reality... and for you to see threw this censorship :


remember they have chosen to renonce legality, they chose to white genocide, they chose to criminalize plant of the creation, plants of the Earth... plant of spaceship earth could be illegal? and they spray toxins, gmos, move populations etc etc etc...

you know even those who pretend to be gods, always fold, even only before the angels of wars :). remember, they. are. just. fucking. human. 125 ms latency to just move... okay some go below 100 but it start to be luck... pffff.... even let's say 50ms...

lord i just have discovered that this witch Theresa May signeded some declaration that nobody was told about or informed of ! check this out, looks too bad for words ! I think Brexit is off the cards and immingration is about to get alot lot worse than veen now !! this is white genocide there can be no doubting it now, all is claer and no more masquerades in this !! ( please check this and read also the cooments down below in its comment section !na dget back to me when you can !! thanks

It's clear, white genocide by population replacement... what I find fun, is that those who work for population replacement have not understood Islam.

There is no God, but Allah... it's clear what the faith of will, harry, and her wives will be... 3 options : a. convert. b. pay your dimmi tax, c. die.

and of course according to the will of kalif. Any opposition to the will and diktat of the kalif will be purged in blood.

May... she is so embedded with the pedo networks it's beyond belief. the first mistake that many and I did, is believing that a woman will not be implicated. it's so wrong, so critical mistake. how many pimps are females? how many females are trapping other females... countless.

fundamentally, is it really important to understand the why, specially in the context of averting and reverting the white genocide programs? I don't believe so.

Why care about the why? I think it's a better use of limited resources to focus on the who, and move directly to the elimination phases. It goes way faster, and along the way, in some Enhanced interrogatory one may have a great explanation, but at the end, once the domestic enemies are removed it makes really little difference from a practical standpoint...

the really important thing is to build lists, with all the names of those working for the white genocide and population replacement... not to doxx, that's pathetic, but simply to be able to dimension the camps appropriately.

If they don't face harm, they will continue, it's simple as that. Once they see their colleges for example may and her team in concentration camp, wearing jump suit, I promise you the others will think a little bit before going full steam ahead in their white genocide.

what is impressive is how astute they are, they have no problems to play any trick (look what is going on with the corrupt cell of the fbi and how they try to deflect that hillary commited treason and countless crimes)...

You and I are so on the same page, its true we need to stop asking the questions and worrying about the details in words ! We need to act and hard and fast as the time runs out and are chances of stopping this planned murder of our own kind will be greatly reduced by this hesitation ! Yes well concerning not suspecting woemn as being as evil as men is a mistake and one that I never made ! You will fins that most of the people selecting children and their consequent transportation to the buyers are female as indeed the children give them more confidence and see a mother figurte which they trust ! Women like this are actually even more evil than the men as they are defying all of their instinctual nature and have no remorse for their actions !! i knew May was Evil the first time I saw that face of hers when she stepped in after Brexit and that weakling Cameron stepping down ! We should have enacted Brexit immedeately after the vote but as always they stalled it and now are talking us back to sleep while they secretedly plan on stepping up the enforced immigration from thousands to millions !!

what are you saying now @funbobby51 ?? this comment is very i must say surprising !! are you serious really ?? id like an answer to that thanks ?

I'm no expert on the laws over there but one imagines that would qualify, no?

Well he might do that I think 1 This guy is now an Urban Legend and will go down in History and that is for sure ! He has been the first to throw a stone at this disgusting BS going on right now ! The planned overthrow of a Nation and its culture by a planned invasion of Christian Lands by Islam and the Evil doers that allows for it !

It's a hot mess that's for sure but are a majority of the British people willing to say or do anything about it?

Well to that i will answer that now yes there are an awful lot of pissed people living there right now @funbobby51 ! And rightly so !

Are British people even in the majority anymore?

not in london anymore... massive white flight...

yes how damn sad is that ? But can you blame them @sweecee ?

no quite the contrary, their is nothing more abject that forcing the last white girl to be in the classroom because either her parents are too brainwashed to see the writing on the wall or because they don't want to relocate. it's really an extermination war that his going on slowly (still) but acceleration can happen at any time, and as kevin, tommy and countless others and the many systemic rape paki and aristo pedo gang defenslessness has proven, it's not the so called bristish army, scotland yard or the terrorists at mi5,6 that will do anything... they are worthless feces, just good to be used as target practices...

nope, did you hear Trump yesterday saying that America will not become a refugee camp?

The mayor did suggest that everyone run and hide.

Most people agree that there is no morality or ethics in war... specially concerning the other side. However most don't understand that there is neither pride. When retreat is the best option, so be it. Do you whine in chess when you have to retreat? Do you whine when in w3ft the opponent does an astute TP? a problem with a retreat in sc2?

a good real life example is russia slash and burn with an alliance with mr freeze to then regroup and then move forward........ to where ever they came from and until this is hashes, foward, one bottle at a time... soon it will be on sight...

here in America we don't advocate for people to run and hide, we suggest they lock and load.

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