To Win the War, We Need to Reset Our Political Paradigm

We are outsiders as we are radicals, no?

Is it safe to say everyone fits into these categories excepting for the Stalinist Pepe category?

Pepe Political Chart.png

Not long ago in a source I cannot recall a radically different paradigm was presented instead of a political spectrum pigeon-holing everyone into different camps, politics was looked at in terms of what basically amounts to power blocks. In this new paradigm, you use circles. For example, you could use the corrupt U.S. government as one circle - one power block. U.S. Corporate power would be another, the media, another and power players i.e. The Illuminati, The Jesuits, the Jews, Soros or whoever your bogeyman is are in actuality configured in a conglomerate set of concentric circles with the corrupt U.S. Government etc.

The point is, TPTB has a power structure as such noted above. They may all be, in reality, one in the same circle. To a large extent, they probably are. We, the Information Warriors, the Kekistanis, the Identitarians, National Socialists et. al., are all small circles. Our circles overlap though and therefore, we should therefore always remember our synergies and always when possible present a united front to our enemy, the other and very powerful circles mentioned in the last paragraph. Otherwise, we are only in a more fractured game of the old Left vs Right game if we do not come together.

I'd love to give Larkin Rose a slap in his mudda-fucking fat ginger mouth. That can wait. A lot of Kekistanis are retards and I probably made one cry on Gab this weekend but, he didn't follow the N.A.P., quite the opposite.

I am largely Annie-Semitic but I do enjoy talking to @Caladium and I have no problems with that Black Venezuelan in Information War even though I believe in Racialisms and White Identity. A lot of people in my circles are the same.

As I said, we have to make sure our circles work together and grow stronger together while weakening TPTB. We are in this struggle together. It is us vs. them. None of our circles will do it alone.

American Flag Upside Down BW.gif


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Working to Strengthen our own communities while finding common ground with others.
Our Purpose

I really think you have it right. That we must all work together to take the power away from the slave traders. Sadly not enough people know who and what the slave trade is about let alone know that the slave trade is alive and doing fantastic as a business. The truth is in the Law Dictionary's and so I give you a credible source for reading the slave trade. Here is a screen shot of the slave trades dictionary definintion of contracts. Note the the word contrat is a misspelling of the word contract. LOL

From Black's Law 2nd Edition West Publishing Company 1891 and reprinted 1910 WEST
Black's law contrat.png

Source : National Liberty Alliance

Blacks Law Second Edition
You can also get : Boviers Law 1856 at the same place. If you read this stuff you realize you have found both the insane and the slave traders of the world.

Honestly man, you popping up is a curveball. I don't think "law" thing is good. Even William Cooper who I pretty much hate didn't think there was anything to this.

I have seen some interesting things IRL but if you gatewayed into this through Jordan Maxwell, that fat slug devil should be hanged. He is basically a cult figure.

Next I mean, you come at me loaded saying this is a Slave Traders Dictionary. It's the Black's Law Dictionary. They still make them today and are up around 8 or 9. I had one. The big meme when I was looking into this and bought a current dictionary was that a "human being was a monster." That definition was never shown online. However, IDK, IDT Human being was even in edition or 8.

You are being severely mislead and trying to mislead me albeit, you are not doing a very good job of it.

Did you look up the contract en francais(in french)? the entry you are showing me above is an entry in that particular Black's Dictionary definitions of French contracts. They are all standard contracts.

If you are not trying to mislead me intentionally, you are extremely misled. As I said, there are odd things that happen with cops and in court. What you are showing me, however, is a list of definitions of French type contracts. Nothing more.

There is nothing else. I can tell you, the videos you may have been watching may have had subliminals or may have been spelling on you.

Where do you think you fall on the chart above? If it were true, your spiel, what do you intend to do with the info?

I feel like I should say I think you're being scammed but,

I have to say you are being scammed... nothing personal. I'm standing by my assertion that we stick together.

I didn't write the dictionary. I didn't create the situation either. You are scamming yourself if you think I did. That particular dictionary was written in 1890. I don't watch videos. I read dictionary's. I don't believe that dictionary's are the authority on what a word means. I simply like reading the dictionary's. That being said. If you actually read what the Law Dictionary's say. You know that the people who wrote them where not sane.

So after supplying you with the link for getting your own dictionary so that you could check and see that is what it says. Some how I have tried to scam you. Interesting are you use to people handing you the evidence for what they say being the truth and then they try to scam you.

I think perhaps you are having cognitive dissonance.

Download the PDF and see that it is a Law Dictionary that has world jurisprudence in it. Like in the western world. So of course it has french meaning of contracts and or misspelling of contract when it spells it as contrat. LOL

I have read some from Jordan Maxwell and am not impressed.
Law dictionary's are Slave Traders Dictionary, but you would have to read it for yourself to know that.
Don't know who Even William Cooper is and to tell you the truth wouldn't believe him or anyone else. I do my own looking at things and do my own thinking about those things. I think that is what everyone should be doing. The fact that you don't is all over your comment to me, in the fact that your tossing out sources like if they have anymore value than the liars words. Seeing as that is one of the things I gather from your comment. I don't need the tude. So if you can't wrap you brain around the idea that someone might think something you don't agree with I won't bother you anymore.

For someone who reads a lot, you seem illiterate.

I know what people like you do, you get your cock twisted around some notion, a notion that is absolutely absurd. The next thing you do is try to infect other people with your sickness.

I read the dictionary page you sent me. I know what it means. Some clear thinking part of your personality might too.

I understood what I read. If that makes me insane, fine. It must make you the smartest person ever. That must be frustrating.

You didn't even interpret how I responded properly. Maybe you did though since your reply is completely out of left field.

Start reading novels dude, seriously. Seriously. Read Fahrenheit 451(you might think I'm insulting you with that one...) Try The Forever War. Actually, better yet Starship Troopers. You need to get your feet on the ground.

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