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in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

You actually don't know history. Israel was a man, then his children, the land those children went into, that land was then divided into Israel and Judah. Isreal was dispersed because they were garbage. Judah remanined then was taken into Babylon. Some from all the nations of Israel were returned upon petitioning the Persians. They rebuilt the Temple and fought the Greeks. The Romans possessed the land. The Romans gave the land to the family of Herod who was not a Jew to administer. Jesus came as those and all future Jews and mankind's salvation through his death and resurrection. Jew and Muslims are just as bad believing not the Gospel.

After Jesus ministered to the Jews, His disciples did then they went sewing among the rest of the nations. Between now and then, the Jew who would not turn from Talmudic Law be Baptized and Born Again in the Lord and carry His Testimony are nothing but tares. God rests until those like me who know the truth and are a part of The Kingdom of Heaven come to our full. The "other" will be thrown in the fire.

God loves those that kept and keep his word. He abhors the Jews who carry on their Babylonian Whoredom.

The Children of Jacob Israel hit their number for the most part.

The land is not Israel's per se it is God's.

Join the army. Go fight war for The Devil.

I'm done with your nonsense.

If you're not a Jew, you sure are one spiritually.

I hope you straighten out.


Jesus is God and God gave the Promise Land to Israel. Yeah, those things happens. The book of Revelation describes prophesies of future events. I'm against Muslims and Palestine and the NWO.

Well, many Palestinians are Christian. Furthermore, Jerusalem in Revelation is called Sodom and Egypt Spiritually. They probably are meant to be there, they are not our friends. Based on my study, I can only meet you on this. That is 12k from each Tribe will be caught up(?) as all the rest are most likely Anti-Christ, many will be converted but right now based on their power and how they use it, they are the greatest enemy of mankind and are and were pivotal in every subversive movement since at least the French Revolution. Their greatest trick is and was being to make the vast majority of people believe they are an upper class of God's people after the death and resurrection of Christ. May I suggest you spend a few hours on researching the fraud that is the Scofield Reference Bible. It turned the historical A.D. doctrine on the Jews upside down. How it was done is well documented. There may even be YouTube videos on it. Julian Assange found it to be a puzzle piece he was looking for. I have screenshots of him seeking it's answer if you want them next time.

Normally, bad people say that the Jews are killing the Palestinians. Now, if you are a Christian, you would not say you were a Palestinian. You would be a fake Christian. There are many fake Christians. I do not like it when people say that the Palestinians are perfect and that the Jews are evil. I do not like it when people say that we have to help alleged refugees as well.

Are you Muslim?

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