What Happens When You Google Macedonia? A Primer For Alternative Media

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Macedonia is very much an overlooked country — or is it a country? It appears many people are asking that question, being that when you search Macedonia on Google, this is what pops up:

"People also ask
Is Macedonia a real country?"

Likewise Googlers are frequently asking "What is the current name of Macedonia?", "Is Macedonia safe to travel to?" and "What is the main religion in Macedonia?"

Macedonia Google.png

While some people in neighboring states, as well as a U.S. lawmaker, may claim Macedonia is not a real country, it is now. It's a member of the UN and may soon join NATO and could one day join the EU. As for what is the current name of Macedonia, that's a little more complicated.

Learn about the name dispute, the ethnic/religious makeup of the country and the occasional outbreaks of violence (Spoiler: It is safe to travel to Macedonia) by watching a couple of my many reports from small Balkan state:

For a recap of Macedonia's wild December 2016 parliamentary election that ultimately led to a shift in the country's geopolitical course, read this Steemit post.

Why does this sign say both welcome to Greece and welcome to Macedonia? Find out in this brief Steemit post and this one.


I raise some of these issues as Macedonia is very much an overlooked country — not just by the global community (although less so in recent years), but by western alternative media — many of whom frequent Steemit. What took place in Macedonia over the last three years could be characterized as a soft color revolution, a peaceful version of Ukraine/EuroMaidan or a globalist overthrow of a nationalist government. The West successfully used a crisis-reaction-solution model, coupled with tactical navigation of internal ethnic divisions, to effectively change the geopolitical course of the Balkan state.

These are narratives, in fact, that have been pushed by the Kremlin — along with more outlandish claims like "NATO Willing to See 'Blood in Streets of Macedonia' for Greater Albania Project". It's worth noting Moscow has its own Macedonian adventures, and despite losing the battle, it may still be gearing up to try to win the war (over the country's potential NATO membership). Mainstream western media have picked up on this geopolitical struggle, labeling it a "Tug of War."

Yet, alternative western media continue to largely overlook the country and the news it is generating — even when there are tailor-made stories of regime change and EU/NATO encroachment... Not that that's how I would spin it.


Mainstream media isn't going to cover Macedonia, unless there is a terrorist attack, full on uprising with lots of death, launching missile strikes or even when Donald Trump mentions it in his tweet.

Where there is lots of chaos and death, mainstream media will report that. To further psychologically scar and desensitise people towards killing.

But it's always nice to hear that there can be a softer revolution that doesn't involve hundreds protesting and dying out in the streets. The world can learn a thing or two about Macedonia.

The mainstream media has been covering Macedonia a fair amount in recent years, particularly as it relates to the battle for influence between the West and Russia. In recent weeks and months, the name dispute has been getting a significant amount of attention as well.

I have to say, if it weren't for you, I would know very little about anything going on in this region or Macedonia, in particular. (I think your first trip to Skopje was back when I first reconnected with @brentssanders.) Understanding the details and nuances are still lost on me but I keep listening and gain a little bit more each time. Your style of reporting spells things out in a way that keeps me wanting to know more.

Upvoted and resteemed! It's good to see your post getting some love here. You put so much into your reporting and it's well deserved. Keep on Steemin' on, Josh!

P.S. FYROM is not a very sexy name if my vote counts for anything. ;)

Thank you Sam! No need to pay attention to Balkan politics, but if you enjoy learning, I'm glad to be of service. There is speculation now that the sexier name of "Upper Macedonia" will replace FYROM. :)

Well, I do like to know what's going on in proximity to my peeps and since I show up there from time to time, it behooves me to be informed. "Upper Macedonia"...that's an improvement!

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