Islam Teaches Muslims To Hate And Kill

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Full credit for Ben Garrison from

Triggered leftists don't like facts and my title for this post Islam Teaches Muslims To Hate And Kill will definitely upset many fact-ignoring liberals - who think we can all live together in a loving peaceful bliss. In order to come anywhere near this ideal, the very first thing you have to do is look at the Koran, what it teaches, and stop the spread of radical Islam - which teaches hatred and killing!

Truthful and peaceful Muslims admit this to be so:

Imam Tawhidi on Twitter: "Violent Sharia Law teaches hate against Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, Dogs, Gays, the West, Western: food, democracy, civilization, cultures, countries and nations; and after our Caliphs invaded them all, we have the audacity and nerve to complain about “Islamophobia”."

And anybody brave enough to tell the truth immediately gets attacked by leftists just as Imam Tawhidi rightly points out!

Imam Tawhidi on Twitter: "The Left trying to brainwash you that I’m a fake cleric. Not only am I a third generation Imam, I have been publicly ordained as a scholar in 2010 by Grand Islamic Authority Sayid Sadiq Shirazi, descendant of Prophet Mohammad. They feel threatened that I’m now calling for reform."

The only way to world peace is to start acknowledging facts and to reform Islam. Attacking the very people who try to telling the truth will result in more death and destruction at the hands of Islam.

Why are leftists attacking these truth-tellers?

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