Mars Anomalies: Part 1

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The Mars Rover missions have been fraught with controversy. On the one hand, it's very exciting that human beings can put a robot on another planet. But, for those of us waiting to find something groundbreaking from the images coming from the Rovers, we have had to face years of low resolution images and obvious Photoshop trickery. And the only reason to fool the public as such, is to keep the truth of Mars from the public.

The green arrows point to white flecks in an image I downloaded from the Mars Opportunity gallery. The Opportunity Rover a supposed RAW image has white flecks in it. These could be from missing data when the Opportunity transmitted it's image back to Earth. But, it also open up NASA to a lot of scrutiny. And this once again places the idea of them hiding something into the spotlight.

In this image the arrows are pointing to anomalies that captured my attention. There seems to be some very straight lines that would not occur in nature if this were a wind swept desert on Mars.

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 12.53.24 PM.pngThis object appears to be something manufactured. Looks a lot like a circuit box. And the more you look at the NASA images, even in their lowered resolution, the better chance you have of finding something odd.

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 12.56.55 PM.pngBelow the circuit box, you can see what appears to be something with a hole in it at one end. And, there seems to be a hinged part to another "arm" coming from it. Could this be part of a mechanism much as a robot or some such other machine? And the object to the left has too many straight lines to be a natural feature on the surface of Mars.

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 12.45.19 PM.png This is the page I got the images from. If you have an image manipulation program like Photoshop, feel free to start to analyze images yourself. Also, the more people who message NASA about the poor resolution of their supposed RAW images, the better chance we have of getting the true RAW images released. Please tweet your concerns over image quality to NASA and include your representatives and POTUS in the tweet.

What do you think about the anomalies I found? How do you think they compare to anomalies other researchers have found? Here's a link to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Mars Opportunity image gallery.


It's going to be hard to get 12 MP pictures released when the camera on Curiousity is only 2MP

Where did you get that information? I've already seen images from JPL Mars Rovers that were much bigger than 1024x1024. I have read they only use a 2 megapixel camera on Opportunity, but knowing there are better resolution images on other rovers makes this information seem bogus.

You can find the information about camera specs on nasa's own pages, also the information is easily accessible on wikipedia;

The next rover might have a better camera but considering its not that easy to transport the data from the rover all the way to the earth (limited bandwith speed). Better not get your hopes up.

The explanation of the rover's camera makes sense.

But, at the same time, knowing they piece together mosaics of 1.3 billion megapixels and seeing missing information in the image files is a red flag.

Besides, you arguing with a guy who calls his steemit page Fake Internet News? So, don't your hopes up if you think I will change my tune about NASA standing for Not A Straight Answer.


I'm obviously a critic myself. But piece together enough pictures and you get whatever amount of pixels you want. Even if they gave a straight answer which no one can know for sure, you would not believe it so its kinda a lose/lose situation ain't it? Can't beleive anything if one trusts nothing.

Thanks for the conversation. From this, I have researched more into how the large images are created as mosaics.

Suppose part of my enthusiasm for wanting to see something undeniably groundbreaking has a lot to do with all this.

And, I am updating my post to reflect the new information I garnered from this. Thanks!

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