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RE: The Twenty-second Amendment

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

President Washington served only two terms because he was horrified when they wanted to make him King. He thought 8 years was just enough time to make an impact, but not so long to become drunk with power.

FDR only stayed in office for four terms, because he didn't think it would be fair to dump the Great Depression and World War two into a new President. He wanted to finish both jobs and he did.

By the way, his son, Kermit Roosevelt, thought his father was murdered. FDR's death only occurred after the Axis defeat was certain. I think he deserved to enjoy the adulation while finishing his final term after saving America from so much misery.

Evo has been nothing but conciliatory since his forced resignation. Too much so. This good man who helped the poor, did not deserve to be run out of office, in order to be replaced by an American puppet as President.

Have we learned nothing from toppling the leaders of Iraq, Libya and Honduras?


Benito Juarez was Latin Americas first indigenous President, albeit a Freemason, most likely under U.S. influence if not control. Democracy plus Blockchain = True Freedom, question is will the powers that be allow “True Freedom” or will they fight to keep the status quo; Democracy under Economic Slavery?

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Just Googled him now. It seems that anytime a leader rises and tries to help the poor, they are run out of office, or asassinated. I just hope the rest of the world doesn't blame the American people for these things. We have nothing to do with such evil.

some say doing nothing is part of the problem.....being neutral sometimes isn't always neutral.

Great response @evernoticethat; thanks so much for that! :-) And to comment on your remarks below: no one in their right mind would ever blame the American people for these things. Although it's said that in a democracy the people get the leaders they deserve, we know that's not true, at least not until money decides who wins instead of our votes.

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