
a natural progression towards personal power?

I think so...yes.
In the beginning...before the last ice age...if you believe the archeologists (I'm not sure I do..because 'atlantis' and other myths) people lived in small groups. Call them clans, or tribes...they were basicly extended families. Everyone knew everyone else. No ONE person, not even the (chief, headman, boss) was all that much more powerful than anyone else. If they fell from favor (of the group) they were replaced.

All clans were pretty much equal in power. They were all nomadic and moved around quite a bit.
(if you believe the archeologists...and I'm not sure that I do)

Then came DISASTER world wide. The continental glaciers melted rilly quick. Read about the scab lands in oregon , the floods and glacial lake missoula then consider it in a global context. In other words it was happening world wide. Is it any wonder that every ancient culture has a flood myth?

The ancient way of life was just GONE. To survive people had to improvise, adapt and overcome. So they took up farming. Some people didn't like all that hard work. Then as now there were two types of people...makers and takers. They rather take than make (fakers are a subset of takers).

SO...the rule of the sword. The boss hog was supported by arms...and MUCH more powerful than the people. Odd how it's been the norm to disarm the population? progressed. Individuals became more and more powerful individually. The 'state' became more powerful too but not as relatively fast as individuals. Imagine two is the state becoming more powerful (it had a head start), the other is the individual becoming more powerful. The later is steeper than the former.

At some point (real soon I hope) the two curves will cross.

The individual will become more powerful than the state.

Lookit history. Compare the individual power of any given billionaire today with the power of anygiven state a few hundred years ago. How well would the spanish armada stand up to the cajun navy equiped with M16s and Grenade launchers?

See what I mean?

some interesting thoughts to process

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