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RE: American Legislative Exchange Council. A perfect marriage of corporation and state.

in #informationwar6 years ago

You want to know how government works in America... it doesn't, at least not on the federal level. The feds abuse their power constantly, as they are above the law, and hold no accountability whatsoever. Whenever you hear one our our "leaders" in the federal government speaking about something that sounds good, it usually isn't in our best interest at all. They twist the facts to sound in our favor using dirty rhetoric discovered through MK Ultra, effectively brainwashing our citizens into believing in things that are just plain wrong most of the time. They are wrong for us as a populous, wrong for the other non-American citizens they are usually also affecting, and wrong for the Earth. This is why many people think geo-engineering (chem-trails) are a good idea, when we should be focusing on limiting the use of fossil fuels, as we now posses the alternative energy technology to not have to use them any longer.

And like you said, the average citizen has no power over legislation in this country. Only if you are in a family with old money/political influence can you affect policy. If we the people object to legislation, it always falls on deaf ears, unless our objections somehow benefit another major political influence.

If we go the route of a full scale revolution, I believe it will come to another civil war, which will share some similarities to our first one. There would once again be siblings fighting each other on both sides of the line. The police force and military would split in two, as not every police officer/military member is so obedient that they would imprison or kill their own family for unjust causes.

I hope that we can somehow remove our federal government peacefully, and give more power back to the state and local governments to customize law more specific to the needs of its people in any particular region. We can still work together without a federal government oppressively regulating our community interactions. I hope it does not come to another civil war, but realistically, that is what the American government is best at, so it most likely will at some point. Only we the people, can decide when enough is enough together, and likely fight the war to end all wars, as Nostradamus and Edgar Casey have predicted. I am not however looking forward to this scenario, and we must exhaust every last option first before using this last resort. Blessings.


And like you said, the average citizen has no power over legislation in this country. Only if you are in a family with old money/political influence can you affect policy. If we the people object to legislation, it always falls on deaf ears, unless our objections somehow benefit another major political influence.

I agree with you. Isn't it the government supposed to be a govt. of, by and for the people? I believe most of big corporations have the power over legislation in the country, not only here in the US, but it does happen to a lot of countries as well, like in my home country.

This organization has perverted that through bribing elected officials and writing laws for the politicians to pass which benefits the corporate owners of the legislatures and screw over the people they are supposed to represent.

The corporations have complete control over governments now, major corps are above government on the power chain at this point. So in essence, the governments are now corporations.

Haha right! And citizens are now like 👻

Citizens are like sheep and cattle for slaughter, unless you are of other use as a farm animal.

From education (private schools, corporate owned ones... to Social Security privatization... it's all about getting their corporate hands on PUBLIC MONEY! grrrrrrrrrrrr!

...its the illusion of public money.

Unfortunately, intertwined into their plans is a fear programming protocol that creates further isolation and lack of conflict resolution but thats just a very watered down observation.

I will say this...if you take a look at the global powers and how long they last...the time is up...unless we can stop it somehow


where did you find this graph?

I first saw it a couple years ago posted by @zerohedge on twitter, I just recently found it with a quick google search. There are a couple...this one was here...

There are a few, just search "global reserve currency timeline"

Those are really interesting stats, thank you for sharing. It looks like the U.S. is almost SOL, I already knew that but this graph confirms it.

Wow @heyimsnuffles with the solid analysis as always!

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