Will US Millennials Fall Into The Socialist Booby Trap ?

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

It defnitely looks like it.

The Pendulum is swinging back and forth, from right to left and left to right, that is what the election cycles are about, and nothing else. The Law Of Rhythm is immutable and unbeatable. The only way to alter its effects is by changing the premises.

Millennials realize they have been fooled by student loan schemes, that their dreams remain out of reach, and now expect state to take care of them. But how realistic is that?

Of course the MSM are sharing much of the blame since they fail to educate the public. And if they were, the they would explaing the issues behind the French Yellow Vests Movement, and why the same is happening in Chile where 1 million protesters took to the street their anger about the subway fare hike.

But Chile has been through many harmful collectivist takeovers and which brought democracy back to the country in 1990. The Chilean democracy looks much like ours: neoliberalism.

Forbes already wrote about it a year ago: Is This The End Of The Chilean Economic Miracle?..... As a result of this free market revolution, the Chilean economy boomed. In the last 35 years poverty has fallen from 50 percent to 11 percent, per-capita income has increased from 4.000 dollars to almost 20.000 dollars and inflation was reduced from over 250 percent per year to less than 7 percent per year. This remarkable record has been known as Chile’s ‘economic miracle’..... Like the American Constitution, the Constitution of 1980 established a limited democracy. Its central aim was to secure economic liberty and private property so that the country would not fall prey again to collectivist tendencies that could threaten to destroy both the economy and the democratic institutions..... MORE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2013/10/28/is-this-the-end-of-the-chilean-economic-miracle/#700d2c1c5c38

The Chilean economic miracle exploded though the bottom line is always the same: it's all about manipulated economics. An insane housing boom driving inflation versus stagnant and/or low living wages... then the house of card falls apart.

As Bloomberg wrote:

“Chile has been seen as the living embodiment of the economic policies installed under Pinochet by the ‘Chicago Boys’—a group of economists, many of whom had been trained in free-market ideas at the University of Chicago … The fact that Chileans have revolted against the cost of living, then, is alarming, and suggests a similar situation could more easily happen in the rest of the developing world. Many assumed that insurrections like this would follow hard on the heels of the Great Recession; instead that moment seems to have been delayed amid a decade of slow recovery, but also deepening inequality.”

Economist Jeffery Sachs put it simply:

“Because of very high housing prices, most people are pushed away from the central business districts and typically depend on personal vehicles or public transport to get to work. Much of the public may thus be especially sensitive to changes in transportation prices, as shown by the explosion of protests in Paris and Santiago.”

As protester Juan Carlos Giordano told Democracy Now:

“They talked about a Chilean economic miracle, until it all exploded. They raised the subway fares. There was a rejection, and the government reversed itself. But the capitalist plans are terrible. The people say they don’t have access to water, to electricity. Everything costs the prices of the First World, and the salaries are in the Third World.”

Nor are American TV broadcasts speaking the truth about the Euro-zone either:

The Ugly Truth About The €uro: The Figaro gives us a solid hint about the true financial health of the eurozone, and more importantly its citizens. It strikes us as odd that Germany and Holland are the big winners, but the elites have decided that way. For a few to win, many must lose. The “casino economy” is, once again, documented. https://earthcustodians.net/blog/2019/09/12/the-ugly-truth-about-the-euro/

So yes, our projection is that US Milelnnials are going to fall for socialism and they will regret it bitterly.

Earth Custodians endorse the degrowth of the world economy to facilitate a smooth transition toward a Resource Based Economy and unfortunatey, it seems like Millennials will have to face the aftermath of their choice before considering this bold but absolutly vital move.

The New Abolitionists of 2020: Did you know that there are officially 27 organizations worldwide preparing for the paradigm shift? Some of which at a higher level than others of course. But there also are countless of groups which do not have a non profit status (yet) and are also working toward the same goals. In fact there already are millions of people around the world aware of the Resource Based Ecomomy alternative. https://earthcustodians.net/blog/2019/09/17/the-new-abolitionists-of-2020/


Money does not work because nodody will ever profit from Nature IF the right technology is implemented... Lies are cheap but more profitable.... therefore is Truth more expensive and not profitable.

According to YouGov, which conducted the poll, capitalism, amid a widening divide between the haves and have-nots, has plunged in popularity from a year ago, with one out of every two millennials — ages 23 to 38 — supporting it.
Meanwhile, 36% of millennials polled say that they approve of communism, which is up significantly from 28% in 2018.


Yellow vest' protests continue, clashes with riot police in Nantes

(3 days ago) French 'Yellow Vest' protesters clashed with riot police as they took to the streets of Paris on Saturday, marking the 50th week since protests began in November 2018. We we won't quit , we have a corrupt system says a protester No subtitles but images speak by themselves

Hong Kong police fired tear gas Sunday to disperse a rally called over concerns about police conduct in month-long pro-democracy demonstrations, with protesters cursing the officers and calling them "gangster cops." Organizers called the demonstration at a waterfront park but police said the rally was unauthorized and engaged in a standoff with the protesters after ordering them to leave.

Ongoing protests in the capital of Santiago, as the country’s authorities continue to find a way out of the week-long crisis. Santiago Governor Karla Rubilar said a million people marched in the capital - more than five percent of the country's population. Protesters elsewhere took to the streets in every major Chilean city.


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