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RE: Anti-Human Forces Behind Insect population COLLAPSE

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

this blog speak of insect die offs overall... CAN YOU READ???

links???? another of your PRO-BIG AG SOURCES???
But sure you will not question all the spraying over cities to fight west nile virus, killing also millions of other insects and making humans sick... you even support glyphosate and GMOs.. you have no credibility on this blog.

You have been posting on here for more than 1 year and you have never recognized any environmental disasters. Even when I posted last week about the 14yo oil leak in the gulf of mexico, which is the worst on record.

Unexplained Mass Die-Off Hits German Hives.......... According to a new, decades-long study conducted by researchers at Radboud University in the Netherlands, the insect population at large is in startling decline, with the abundance of flying insects having plunged by more than 75 percent over a period of nearly three decades. While some biologists had suspected a decline in the insect population, this study has demonstrated that the trend is much more dramatic and troubling than previously thought.



Search engines too tough for ya? You should be a master at searching with all this bulllshit you dig up.

sorry I have even one pal living in swizrerland that just told me that insects are disappearing and that they buy bird feed.

Well that is all the "scientific" data I need to jump to a conclusion.

you even support glyphosate

Do you think repeating lies makes them true? I know one ideology that keeps trying to label their critics to shut them up...communists. :-D What's up, comrade?

you have no credibility on this blog

Says the chemtrail idiot. Says the electric universe idiot. Says the no money economy idiot. Says the every possible conspiracy believer idiot.

there is no name on charts and plus i have no interest in PRO-BIG AG-CHEMICAL DATA... this blog is not for corporate shills like you, I already told you that many times. You cannot even wrap your mind around AI...

your source is PRO-BIOTECH...What benefits do advances in genetics and biotechnology offer? “gene”, “genetic engineering”, “biotechnology”, “GMO”, “synthetic biology”, “gene editing"

again, you have to endorse eugenics

What benefits do advances in genetics and biotechnology offer?

You are such an awesome researcher. You could have entered that question into google and started reading, but I guess that is too much work for such a cutting edge researcher such as yourself.

Biotechnology benefits:

Genetic benefits:

Do you want me to read the articles to you?

shill... shill... shill alert...simple. all pro-biotech and into eugenics.

You cannot even recognize that the world is bankrupt, claim that capitalism is saving the world, so I am not surprise that your findings go along the same lines.

'My research is PRO-LIFE

Wow, you read and determined all those websites and articles are all shills, and posted a reply in less than 5 minutes. I bet you didn't even look at one. Quality research, people!

Let's get to how your "no money" economy will solve these "problems".

  1. Remove money

  2. Watch the world economy collapse along with world population.

  3. Anyone managing to survive the apocalypse will be too busy trying to survive to spend time working on genetics or biotech.

4 ) Problem solved! :-D

you brain is so much into "corporate criminal data" that you cannot think freely anymore.

the mother of all crashes is coming and the new society needs it to start anew. But it will be caused by the same greed and stupidity, which you endorse.

You don't think at all. You spout your ideology. Well done, comrade communist.

Let's look at how your "no money" economy will solve these "problems".

  1. Remove money

  2. Watch the world economy collapse along with world population.

  3. Anyone managing to survive the apocalypse will be too busy trying to survive to spend time working on genetics or biotech.

  4. Problem solved! :-D

More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas, study

You are a corporate criminal shill, chemicals are killing this planet. Period. Get lost now

So, you found the only non-shill source?


bayer has sold "agent orange" and never went to trial for crimes against humanity... and you'd like me to think they are ethical??? So any biotech biz not speaking up is in bed with them. Simple

conspiracy? yep another one

Bayer and Monsanto: a Marriage Made in Hell - CounterPunch

Nazi Ties & Agent Orange: The Real Bayer-Monsanto Merger Story -

Did you even read your own article?

LOL, you might want to...

Let's get back to how your "no money" economy will solve these "problems".

Remove money

Watch the world economy collapse along with world population.

Anyone managing to survive the apocalypse will be too busy trying to survive to spend time working on genetics or biotech.

4 ) Problem solved! :-D

follow the money... YES CHEMICALS ARE GOOD.... :)

A military C-130 plane sprays pesticide over Hurricane Katrina damaged parts of New Orleans. (AP Photo/Brian Snyder)
US Gov’t Pesticide Spraying In Wake Of Harvey A Toxic Boon To Agrochemical Giants
The insecticide Naled kills mosquitoes. It also wipes out honey bees, now undergoing a mass die-off attributed to its use. And it is toxic to humans, particularly newborns. It will now be sprayed on 6 million Texas acres as part of the U.S. government’s Harvey recovery plan.......
However, the insecticide Naled, manufactured and sold by a strategic partner of Monsanto, is currently banned in the European Union due to the “unacceptable risk” it presents to human health.



Millions of honeybees are dead in Dorchester County, South Carolina, as a result of spraying the area with the controversial pesticide naled on Sunday afternoon, which local officials did in an effort to combat Zika-spreading mosquitoes.

and of course, this kills 100S OF MILLIONS of other insects


Yes, they are.
Did you know that your own body is made of 100% chemicals??????
Did you know that ALL the food you eat is made of 100% chemicals?????
Did you know that the house you live in is made of 100% chemicals?????
Did you know the air you breathe is made of 100% chemicals?????
Did you know that the earth you stand on is made of 100% chemicals????

Oh, the horror...

more corporate apologist arguments... so they have the right to poison the planet. Logical fallacy... Sure. and they have the right to spray our food with glyphosate.

this blog is PRO-HUMANITY... and you are PRO-GREED... both are incompatible. I made my choice years ago.

and you never noticed that your windshield was staying clean for long periods of time? Because everybody older than 45yo can see the huge difference. where are the insects?

Additionally, if they can manipulate world markets with interest rates, what else are they capable of doing???

You are very naive, no wonder you dont get the AI agenda... look for: Dr Michio Kaku: Laser weather modification on YT.

Let's get to how your "no money" economy will solve these "problems".

  1. Remove money

  2. Watch the world economy collapse along with world population. Billions will die.

  3. Anyone managing to survive the apocalypse will be too busy trying to survive to spend time working on genetics or biotech.

  4. Problem solved! :-D

pay attention to your windshield and be terrified about the insect mass die off. The bottom of the food chain is disappearing

Money does not need to exist WHEN ONE UNDERSTANDS THE POWER GAME...

monetarism was NEVER invented to protect freedom but economic SERVITUDE of the many by the few.

talk of a conspiracy!!!!

and people who get it will be ready to CONTRIBUTE VOLUNTARILY.

So keep advocating for slavery /darwinism because you cannot grasp true freedom

Yes, yes. I understand. You try to spread fear amongst the simpleminded. Well done.

Money does not need to exist WHEN ONE UNDERSTANDS THE POWER GAME

Yes, the powerful will have a much easier time controlling people if they can convince people to give up their money.

monetarism was NEVER invented to protect freedom but economic SERVITUDE of the many by the few.

Money, on the other hand was invented to make trading with your fellow man easier.

and people who get it will be ready to CONTRIBUTE VOLUNTARILY.

You get it, right? Yet you still hoard money. lolz. You haven't spent one penny of steem to run you banner ad campaign. Such a bullshit artist.

Keep advocating for an impossible, unusable, and ridiculous idea. At least it is earning you a few pennies in money. :-D

the money is still THERE... and the banner will be up after new year... I already told you that a banner cost around 300 bucks. But I will gladly pay 50-75 out of pocket when time has come.

Money, on the other hand was invented to make trading with your fellow man easier.

wait, do you really expect the fed to bail us out again, after the upcoming crash??a global crash is coming because of narcissists like YOU, yet you look the other way... they even may crash all cyrptos at some point because they will have "their" own cryptos to enforce.... RIDICULOUS IDEA?

yes, steemit is going up and down just like the stock market... why monetarism has to go, because some decide of the profits or losses of others. I am not the only one but exposure is MOST important.

Max igan does very good advocating to let go the system, he has many patreons, a fan base. You will not be able to STOP the awakening to end our world slavery :)

everything is a lie, Max Igan 1Million views


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