Esoteric Prophecies via 'The Economist'... Now Conspiracy FACTS
Truth to be told, the top 1% believes in occultism/esotericism, but then also walks on the other side of the fence, ridiculing and bashing it.
The problem here we are faced with is the following: this knowledge when in the hands of a few will always translate into negative outcomes -- meaning and more control -- because it is always those who know more who win.
Knowledge is predatory when hidden. And of course the top 1% is never going to tell you about it, never going to tell you about their own insider trading, nor plans to buy more political and monetary influence. They act in plain sight but their very intentions are not which they claim.
So people who are not aware of it, completely clueless, will systematically think that "it is just how life is", that there is "no conspiracy to defraud", that they are wealthy because they just happen to have more luck, that their success is well deserved!
Exactly why we never can trust anybody in power, because it is impossible to remain in power without concealing data. And that is where monetarism comes into play, as it helps this knowledge remain in the hands of people whose intentions are very dark and nefarious.
What is Unseen will forever rule what can be Seen, the Unknown will forever govern the Known, and it is time to let this knowledge come to the surface, so this knowledge will cease to antagonize humanity.
People must come to their senses once and for all: it makes no sense to be afraid of that knowledge since we can find it all religious textbooks whatsoever. The Bible is filled with Numerology or Kaballah to start with, so calling this knowledge the work of evil is ludicrous! Many bible believers are in denial. And this denial protects the bad guys.
And it is not just the Bible but the Quran and Vedic, Tao and Buddhist teachings also. Even in Norse, Greek and Egyptian Mythologies. Why are esoteric maths found in all of them?
Simply because the entire Universe can be deciphered with the mathematics of frequencies (consequence of ELECTRO-magnetism), which are esoteric in essence as NOBODY can explain where they come from.
They simply were created by an Intelligent Design to understand Creation and for sentient beings to participate in It. That is why this Knowledge when hidden causes great harm to societies, and it is about time that Humans reclaim this Universal Knowledge!
And not to manipulate it but attain a Cosmic Understanding of the Purpose Of Life.
The ‘World In 2019’ Economist Magazine Cover Hints At The Arrival Of The ‘End Game’?
(if you want to buy a copy:
The ‘World In 2019’ Economist Magazine Cover Hints At The Arrival Of The ‘End Game’
OCTOBER 14, 2018 · UPDATED OCTOBER 14, 2018
Previous covers While the images on the 2018 issue featured a cartoonish drawing of the likeness of President Donald Trump right next to the Statue of Liberty, the 2017 issue featured tarot cards with President Trump sitting upon the planet Earth on the ‘Judgement’ card along with ‘The Tower’, ‘The World’ and the ‘Death’ card....
Mentioning “you can’t make this stuff up” of the all black cover which goes completely against all the other Economist covers that have had ‘conspiracy theorists’ searching for hidden meanings going back years, Weir tells us he truly believes that despite President Trump being in office, he believes that the globalists will switch over to their global currency sooner rather than later, even if that means bringing the entire current system to a sudden and profound crashing end...
Occult Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF
300 years - United Grand Lodge of England 31 October 2017
The intelligent design is too much for your brain anyway but please send Lagarde-- and to the Economist - your picture, and they will laugh at you
Occult Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF
that is how mind controlled you are.... even when it is right in your face
Freemasonry, the teachings and practices of the secret fraternal (men-only) order of Free and Accepted Masons, the largest worldwide secret society. Spread by the advance of the British Empire, Freemasonry remains most popular in the British Isles and in other countries originally within the empire. Estimates of the worldwide membership of Freemasonry in the early 21st century ranged from about two million to more than six million.
you are a sad character, you mindless;y troll my account thinking you are really intelligent, But sure you support slave labor thinking it feeds the poor. LOL...
you are ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS, this is how collusion/secret societies work, yep the system is just working great... expose all that and this is the end of society as we know it. No wonder you'd hate to be proven wrong and troll my blog.
the most worrying is that you really think you got it... the world is sinking into dystopia because of naive people like you never questioning the intellectual fraud of darwinism
I know how conspiracy theories work. You take a few facts, half truths, and outright lies. Then you weave a ridiculous story around them. Then you say, "They must be true because look at these few facts, half truths, and lies."
At any rate, Your "no money" economy is impossible. It cannot function in our modern technology era.
And by now, we should all realize the point of your blog. You are just trying to scam people out of donations so you can make some money. And you will agree with every conspiracy out there in hopes that the low intelligence people who believe that crap will send you some money.
So you have been yelling about the end of the world for over a year now, and you made a few hundred dollars. Congratulations for participating in the free market capitalist system.
Absolutely! Great post! I have the same interests as you, and I have a total paradigm shift on life because of it, it's such a complex world and it takes so long to find all the puzzle pieces, I don't even post about it or try to explain it to people, it's something people have to want to know the truth and go through process of seeking it out. Your right on though, I love posts like this it's a favorite subject of mine.