Fatal Experiments On Dogs For Scientists' Salaries And Corporate Profits

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

That the practice has not been banned yet is no surprise when one understands how the system really works: that many scientists work for governments. If a ban ever was activated, we'd have 10s of 100's scientists without a job overnight. Pharmaceuticals hire them because they receive subsidies -- and make prices up -- which generate profits from a corporate point of view.

But animal experimentation has not helped society that much at all. We still have poisons in our foods, air pollution getting worse, ocean trash is at record high, and our river and aquifers are tainted with all kind of chemicals and drugs, insects die-offs. As a result cancer and other illness are skyrocketing.

A for profit society is always wasteful, no matter how we look at it, because it cannot fix any problems without reducing profits by the same token. Unless there is a profit to make from it. But since society has been wasting resources as if there are no tomorrows for decades, the price tag is going to put everybody under strain at some point. No escape.

CONCLUSION: Monetizing life, the Gift of Life does not work... and it took Humanity more than 4000 years to gather all the evidence to finally make sense of Reality.

(nov 2018)US government to go ahead with fatal experiments on dogs... The US government has decided to press ahead with controversial experiments on dogs, despite critics in congress and elsewhere attacking them as cruel and unnecessary.... Researchers running the experiments will remove sections of the dogs’ brains that control breathing, sever spinal cords to test cough reflexes and implant pacemakers before triggering abnormal heart rhythms. All the dogs involved will ultimately be euthanised. ... But when asked what medical progress had come about because of dog testing, the agency’s spokesman could only point to breakthroughs which date back to the 1960s.

EC: Looks like 2 million experiments aimed at inoculating animals with diseases

(july 2018) Thousands more scientific experiments being carried out on horses despite overall fall in animal testing. Scientific testing on live animals has fallen to its lowest level this decade, but the number of laboratory experiments carried out on horses has increased sharply... Of the 3.79 million scientific procedures, around half – 1.89 million – were experiments using animals to develop treatments...


Awwwww....the sad eyes!

Let's look at one example of how animal testing has brought enormous help to humans.

In 1928, Alexander Fleming noticed that staphylococcus bacilli would not grow on a culture medium accidentally contaminated with a mold, Pencillim notatum. But test tube experiments failed to show the antibiotic properties he expected. Ten years later, Oxford chemists Ernest Chain and Howard Florey were working on antibacterial substances. Penicillin wasn’t a top priority. But when Chain injected two mice with it, they remained healthy. Delighted by this apparent lack of toxicity, Florey then decided to give his full attention to penicillin.
The animal experiment
Only by 1940 was enough penicillin available for testing. Eight mice were infected with a deadly dose of 110 million streptococci bacteria. One hour later, four of them were injected with penicillin. These survived but the untreated ones died. Florey said, “It looks like a miracle”.
Why animals?
The amount of penicillin needed to treat a human is 3,000 times greater than for a mouse. Without these early whole animal proofs on toxicity and effectiveness, penicillin would not have been developed further.
What’s it done for humans?
It revolutionized the ability to treat bacterial infections, which were a major cause of death. This simple animal test led directly to the saving of literally millions of lives, both human and animal.

antibiotic testing was a mild experiment back then, but today animals inoculated with superbugs that do not exist in nature, and suffer a lot.

from article.... But when asked what medical progress had come about because of dog testing, the agency’s spokesman could only point to breakthroughs which date back to the 1960s.

but you still look the other way... and today people are getting antibiotics and penicillin resistant, what gives?

You live in a past that is gone ... Wake up!!

Remember Patrick Byrne? How Do You Get People To Consider That Their Paradigm Is Completely Fraud?

Oh, you need an example of how dog testing has brought enormous help to humans.

Here you go:

Blood transfusion
The first successful blood transfusion was performed on a dog by Richard Lower in 1666 and perfected in dogs by 1907. Clotting was prevented by the addition of sodium citrate and citrated blood was shown to be safe for transfusion to dogs in 1914.
The animal experiment
In 1915 Richard Lewisohn determined the maximum safe concentration of citrate that could be used when transfusing blood into a dog. The following year two doctors, Peyton Rous and Joseph Turner at the Rockefeller Institute, New York showed that blood treated with citrate and glucose could be stored for as long as three weeks in rabbits and safely transfused back into the animals. Later work established longer storage times for human blood.
Why animals?
Much blood transfusion research is done in test tubes, but animals were used to establish the safety of citrated blood.
What it’s done for humans?
Blood transfusion is used after injury and surgery and to treat cancers and anaemia. Open heart surgery would not be possible without it. Blood transfusions have saved countless millions of more lives.

Time to consider that you are the fraud, preying on people's emotions for a few more pennies....you hypocrite.

It is because you are NAIVE that you call me an hypocrite.... in this day and age, there is NO NEED FOR ANIMAL TESTING ANYMORE

from article.... But when asked what medical progress had come about because of dog testing, the agency’s spokesman could only point to breakthroughs which date back to the 1960s.

You cannot accept that the system we live in has become completely fraudulent. Do you want me to blog about all the german scientists who had conducted experiments on humans during WW2 in the camps, and which were given american passports? To prove that human eugenics is still going on?

More over what do you do with so much poison in our food, air, oceans, etc? DID ANIMAL TESTING HELP? Animal testing so bigpharma can keep many on life support instead of IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND THE ENVIRONMENT?

air pollution kills 40K Brits every year DESPITE ALL THE ANIMAL TESTING IN CAR EXHAUST ??? helloooooooooo!!???

Like I said a gazillion times you cannot deal with reality. That we are being taken for a ride. I know more than you and that is why I blog.

All industries today are detrimental to human life and the environment and stay tuned for more blogs about it

Remember Patrick Byrne? How Do You Get People To Consider That Their Paradigm Is Completely Fraud?

Here is another example in reality of how animal testing has enormously helped humans AND animals:

A century ago, TB was a common cause of death. In 1907, there were 117,000 cases in Britain. It was also endemic among farm animals. Robert Koch isolated and identified the bacteria responsible, showing that it reproduced the disease when introduced into experimental animals.
The animal experiment
In 1943, Selman Waksman and Albert Schatz, soil microbiologists working at Rutgers University, New Jersey, injected streptomycin, the product of a soil bacteria isolated in a sick chicken, into guinea pigs infected with TB. It completely suppressed the TB without harming the guinea pigs.
Why animals?
Antibiotics need to be trialled in living organisms as there is no way of knowing whether they will penetrate tissue at the site of an infection. TB is unusual in having multiple infection sites.
What it’s done for humans?
This was the first effective treatment for TB, both human and animal. It saved millions of lives.

Time to realize that you are the fraud, preying on people's emotions for a few more pennies....you hypocrite.

Let's talk about modern cosmetics and animal testing instead as if chemicals had not beeen proven harmul... why not having organic beauty products everywhere instead? Another fraud

Unlike you many people can see the problem with the cartelization of the world that is dooming mankind...

Just go to https://naturalnews.com for your education. Millions of visitors every month!
You are unable to see the big picture ... that is why you don't see any problem with glyphosate on the food which has been recognized as potential cause of cancer by the WHO. Glyphosate is even banned in Europe now.

You will not stop the trews from winning over. And I already told you that money is really comes in third position at this stage I do that because I am passionate about truth.

How about this 14yo oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico but they are conducting experiments on animals. Lol

Here is another example of how animal testing has benefited humanity enormously:

Macular degeneration
Macular degeneration is the commonest cause of blindess in adults in the developed world. It is caused by the abnormal growth of blood vessels behind the macular, the part of the retina responsible for detailed vision.
The animal experiment
In 1998, a team in Liverpool announced a new surgical treatment for this condition. It involves opening the eye, detaching the retina and moving it to a new position, where it is held in place with a tuck. Called macular relocation, this technique was perfected in the eyes of monkeys, cats and rabbits starting in the 1960s.
Why animals?
Although vision surgery can be practised on the eyes of human cadavers, there is no way of knowing whether vision has been restored successfully.
What’s it done for humans?
Macular relocation is one of a large number of sight-saving surgical procedures, many now performed routinely, which are based on techniques perfected in animals.

Hundreds of millions of people's lives have been saved by animal testing.

Time to realize that you are the fraud, preying on people's emotions for a few more pennies....you hypocrite.

40% Scientists Say Fraud Causing Crisis of Science — Can Science Be Saved?

40% of Scientists Admit Fraud “Always or Often” Contributes to Irreproducible Research Survey sheds light on the ‘crisis’ rocking research | 25 May 2016

me an hypocrite... hundreds of people die from pollution every year, yet they are still at it... but will the oil cartel cave in and acknowledge that it is time for an energy overhaul instead of conducting USELESS experiments???

German shock at car exhaust tests on humans and monkeys (jan 2018)

CARTELS ARE ALWAYS HAZARDOUS TO MAN... but obviously something escapes you BECAUSE YOU DEFEND THEM ALL. Go figure

Meanwhile corrupt scientists are working on megabugs that don't even exist in nature. why?


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