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RE: How to be an InformationWar Activist, Part Three: Is the Information War Winnable?

in #informationwar7 years ago

I was a Ron Paultard. We'd sometimes call ourselves that. If people want to mock us for following a smart guy with a proven integrity and consistency, then so be it.

Now one thing I want you to know, and you likely do. Many of those Ron Paultards were exactly like you, before they started supporting Ron Paul.

I distinctly remember seeing Ron Paul stuff early on and him saying "We need to get rid of this, we need to get rid of that"... and I thought "this guy is nuts", yet even back then I'd gotten into the habit of doing my own research. So I researched these nutty things. Eventually I realize he wasn't nuts at all. It was just very different from what we'd been fed to believe by propaganda and the education/indoctrination system.

I kept watching him. He was consistent even when attacked. He did not flip flop or try to appease his attackers like virtually every other politician I knew out there.

I consider Ron Paul as one of the people that kicked the door open to my mind.

He freed my mind. I don't agree with all of his ideas now, but I still consider him brave, heroic, and a person of the highest integrity. I am a fan and unless he suddenly changes I likely always will be.

He gave me the ability to ask questions, and not feel guilty about challenging the authority of the status quo.

So the difference between you and Ron Paultards. The Ron Paultards simply encountered him before you did "called him nuts", realized he wasn't, and then became supporters.

You actually did the same thing... just a bit later. ;)

I am definitely an Anarchist/Voluntaryist now with a leaning towards Anarcho Capitalism. Though I am fluid in my beliefs, rather than locking them as something rigid and unwavering like religion.


I though he had excellent ideas domestically (the Fed ought be triple audited, and then audited again), and was "nutty" when it came to foreign involvement.

Going back to this post, , there are still some of the underlying beliefs I hold

I though Ron Paul was naive in his assumptions bout the level of danger from outside the US; BUT he certainly turned out to be right about the corruption of the globalists

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