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RE: Demanding reparations, past slavery, past land loss, and the false justification there in.

in #informationwar6 years ago

those long journey have been saving up for years to take those journey, they are simply looking for a way out.

Sure. Yet does that mean other people should be robbed and just allow whomever decides they should journey into their house. That way lies madness.

If a house (using it as an analogy for nations) does well. At that point they may be able to help other people. Yet if they just throw their doors open and let anyone in then sure lots of people would rush in having heard how well the people in the house does. Soon it would be in shambles.

The people in the house did not do well simply because they got lucky. They had opportunities, but they also had the will to struggle. Their children may be spoiled and not realize how good they have it but their ancestors still had to struggle to achieve what they have.

Helping people is much like a raft. That raft only has so much buoyancy. No matter how many people want the help, or need the help, that raft can only hold so many people before it will sink and they all will suffer.

To help people you must first get yourself into a position to help. Then you must be wise and not just destroy that foundation you have built by making rash decisions.

Life has realities. Wanting something better, doesn't mean people can hand it to you. Rushing towards some house that you know people live better and demanding they let you in. Soon that house will be in shambles.

In reality, everyone shouldn't be rushing to other countries. They should fight to bring what those countries did correctly to their own countries and build them up as well. Venezuela is a good example. It has more natural resources in its small area than any other equivalent location in the world (including the U.S.). For a period the average person in Venezuela owned more land than those in the U.S. and they were doing quite well.

Then they embraced all the same insane Socialist lunacy that has killed so many people and destroyed so many nations before it.

They bought into the idea that they were wealthy so they could afford to just give people free things.

It sounded good. The oligarchy that took control loved it. They quickly became a plutocracy. They lived in luxury while all the formerly well off people starved, ate the animals in their zoos, and ate their own pets.

Though for a time until the money they had accumulated ran out they were the poster child of "see Socialism works, just look at Venezuela". Though those of us that studied history told them "Just wait", because you see Socialism seems great when it is begun on a foundation of wealth. It will rapidly drain that wealth and then it becomes a nightmare.

There is the saying "Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money".

This open borders nonsense is just a variant on socialist ideas. The idea that because you CHOOSE to journey to my nation from your home, I should throw open my doors and I should pay for any of you that come here.

In the past they were not so naive. They called that an invasion. I force coming into a city, nation, home, and looting it and demanding those that are already there pay.

The problem is the virtue signalling that goes along with socialism. They couch it as being a good person. In fact, it ends up being one of the most evil ideologies we have ever come up with. It is not voluntary. It exists by force, and by theft.

It's fuel is envy. They have something I don't. I am owed that thing, so I will take it.

That person has made too much money off of their work. Let's steal as much of it as we can and redistribute it HOW WE think it should be redistributed.

Theft. Evil. Very simple.

And other than slaves to governments like we all are. I've never met a person asking for reparations that was actually a slave. EVER.

They just expect others to give them a hand out for nothing other than their perceive victimization over what happened to their ancestors.

Evil. No one owes you anything. No one owes me anything.


I agree with your general analysis until you hit Venezuela topic, you need to get history correct there and try to place that Socialism in context of the events that happen, lets do some digesting....

Venezuela in crisis is nothing new, in fact, in the late 80's and early 90's Venezuela was going through a similar crisis, and it was not Socialism, it was the same oligarchs that control and privatize much of the wealth of the nation, living millions below the poverty line. There were widespread riots and people demanded better and greater share of the country wealth which led them to the famous figure, Hugo Chavez, a young dynamic military solider who basically led a campaign on those very grounds people are protesting today. He led a successful revolution, topple the government at the time and then went on the nationalized all the resources. Things stabilize for some time, there was a massive campaign of land ownerships and building of thousands of homes. Then he mess with the wrong folks, they same oligarchs, some of deep ties within the US. Since Venezuela was the major Oil supplier to the US and the US was a major earner of foreign exchange for them, a whole proxy war started and the sanction game. It led to a toss of words between Chavez and Bush, and as usual the American intensified the proxy war, no money coming in and sanction rolling in. The oligarchs control key parts of the economy and they basically started rationing games, this went on until Maduro and basically intensified. Yes the government made some huge mistake, you did not invest and maintain the oil fields and structured their economy away from the oligarchs. The oligarchs never got over the fact that people embrace Chavez and they lost. These are all documented facts. So it isn't right to say Socialism fail, there were other factors playing a role. My landlord in Aruba was a Venezuelan, so had many nights discussing this. You may be moved by the crowds in Caracas but go into rural Venezuela, these Chavista are diehard Chavez supporters. For these people the name Chavez is all that matters. America is digging another hole and propaganda media again pulling in the masses, this is another country that would be ruin resource rich country with million suffering. They gonna privatize all the companies and oil, gold and all the resource would be privatize again, things would settle again, until people realize its back to 1989 again, this time it would be civil war and hopefully America would be prepared deal with it.

Venezuela does not have the discipline as the Cuban people, so even under Maduro it won't help either, its a complex situation but this intervention is a massive mess in the making, wait until "American muppet" hit the streets of Venezuela when the people realize their lives have not improve

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