Chemtrail photos over Ljubljana, Slovenia on April 22nd 2018
They have been spraying chemtrails for three days in a row now. I don't know if I haven't been paying attention for the last couple of years or if this is part of a major campaign they are having.
@ervin-lemark who is also from Slovenia has been seeing them as well and I've seen other Steemians from Croatia like @runicar and @enjoyinglife report they have seen massive chemtrail campaigns in Zagreb.
What are these fuckers doing?
Any way here's a couple of photos I took yesterday.
Hillary reacts...
All regular passenger lines and normal contrails, of course. Where is the smiley for ultimate sarcasm?
The spraying over our lands started the day we joined NATO. that was an ultimate collective kick in the ass and shoot in the knee at the same time.
Sad, so sad.
Yet, times will change. One fine day we will finally open our eyes and minds wide enough to stop this madness.
Is it limited only to NATO members? I think they're spraying it in Serbia too.
It is not limited to NATO members and apprentices only. Some lands have no say about it.
On the other hand, there are no chemtrails above Russia and China ...
Do you have more evidence for no chemtrails in Russia and China? I have come across some pictures, but they appear to be old. Would be interesting if they CURRENTLY spray there...

I didn't see them while I was there. OK, I'll be more specific. I didn't see any chemtrails East of Ural mountains. I was in central Siberia for a total of several months in last six years and didn't see a single trail.
Of course, that doesn't mean that there aren't any. After all, the force behind them is global elite which really is global.
No, I won't go into who is controlling this elite :)
Thank you! I find this a very interesting piece of the puzzle. If Putin actually DOES NOT spray his own people it would suggest that he is actually not part of the parasitic cabal, either. Or that he does not comply on all fronts. Who knows...
According to Icke, Chinese and Vatikan try to play their own game. I really don't know about the Russians. They always were enigmatic. And they've always had tzars with great powers. No matter how you call them :)
It's hard to tell which ones are the GOOD ones or if they work together or not :)

"there are no chemtrails above Russia and China"
haha they can't fuck with Russia and China
Thanks for putting this out there, yes quite evident a global campaign with much focus on the northern hemisphere.
You can enter this here if you so choose.
Thanks, I will.
bigger question is..who didn't see that yet? I know - moles!
Do you know what was the final proof that chemtrails exist? Except that nobody (ie. mass media and sheeple) has seen it?
It is sad but true that the days after September 11th were this proof. USA airspace was closed completely for several days. The weather was dry and sunny and you can imagine the sky was clear blue all these days.
Nisem razumel kaj si tukaj mislil. Ko sta dvojčka bila upepeljena se je še nekaj dni prah zadrževal v zraku. Kje so v tej zgodbi bili chemtraili?
Štos je v tem, da jih ni bilo. Nikjer nad ZDA, ne le nad New Yorkom. Ker je bil v celoti prepovedan kakršenkoli zračni promet, tiste dni ni bilo opraševanja. In nebo je bilo popolnoma jasno in čisto.