Brexit and the never ending story!


It was supposed to be cut and dry, a simple process yes?

Nothing is simple when politicians and money are concerned, even with printing the stuff the greedy tossers want it all back. The people have spoken they said, we are leaving the EU, one day, maybe soon ish.

When I heard a few weeks ago, that they wanted to implement a "indefinite period of time" to get a good deal "done" I chuckled more than a few times, I have heard the excuses regarding banks leaving London, though that is a lie, it is groundless, as the middle of London resembles the Vatican in Rome, a country within a country, with separate laws, separate police, and separate Tax status from the mere mortals or plebs. If you have no idea about the London inside London then maybe watch this, that subject is worthy of a post on it's own merit, though we will for now stick with fake brexit.

I base my theory on greed first and foremost, as it is what drives politicians anyway, so to get a good idea why the UK wants to drag this out for years, we have to see what money is involved yes? Here we go then.

  • This is the salary of a UK politician, taken directly from the government website = The basic annual salary for an MP from 1 April 2018 is £77,379. source

  • There are 78 MEP'S from the UK, they are European politicians representing the UK, all of which are also mp's in the UK, here is the link to that source


Follow the money!

95,000 Euros is the MEP pay for those politicians from the UK, full source here, That is almost 100,000 reasons why 78 MP'S never want to leave the EU, though it is far worse than that in reality, as I will outline below.

  • Expenses you see. In the European parliament, it has been set up, so that "unlimited" expenses can be & are claimed.

MEPs allowed to claim £120,000 in expenses without proof of how money is spent
A court heard EU officials don't want to saddle MEPs with an 'administrative burden' which would hamper their freedom.

Source here

You may be thinking you said unlimited, yet they say 120,000 Euros yes? Allow me to continue.

Two Conservative MEPs have each pocketed over £1million in taxpayer salary and expenses payments in just five years, it has emerged.
Richard Ashworth and Sajjad Karim both claimed over £150,000 in travel expenses and the same again for subsistence, among other entitlements, prompting concern about the amount of money available to EU politicians.
It came as reports show Nigel Farage claimed over £15,000 in expenses to pay for his bodyguards.

The Ukip leader employs a team of former military personnel to protect him as he gives Brexit speeches around the UK and documents show the EU has been billed for their services, which include arranging food and drink.

Full source here


Milking the cow!

There is zero incentive for mp's to get the UK out of the EU, most if not all of them wanted people to vote to stay in anyway, including the PM Ms May, most if not all conservatives were "remain" and the same goes for Labour and the Libdems, it is a gravy train, easy money, easy holidays for the whole family, if you think they do not take the whole gang with them on expenses, you are sadly mistaken, not only do they, they even fly first class at our expense.

Europe squanders billions spoiling MEPs
A series of devastating reports is set to lift the lid on the 'junket culture' of the EU, says Kamal Ahmed.
Among the smart cafés and the chic boutiques of Strasbourg and Paris, the people who run Europe enjoy what might be described as a sumptuous existence.
With free travel, generous pensions, unchecked expenses and allowances for simply turning up for work, members of the European Parliament enjoy perks usually reserved for the chief executives of private companies.
But a series of devastating reports, to be published in the next month, will once again raise the question of profligacy, waste and mismanagement at the heart of the European Union.
The National Audit Office will report that the EU loses up to £3.5 billion of its annual £60 billion budget every year because of lax controls on funding, an inability to manage costs and little knowledge of where money goes or what it is spent on.

The allocation of cash is so complex that it takes years to get development money to the overseas projects it is supposed to help. Instead millions of pounds languish unused in obscure accounts.
The report, based on a series of damning analyses of EU financing by the European Court of Auditors, will be seized on by critics of the EU as yet another example of why Britain should loosen its bonds with the continent, not strengthen them.
But a growing chorus of pro-European voices is also now questioning the management and 'junket' culture of the EU, which is leading to an ever-burgeoning elite out of touch with the views or lifestyles of the vast majority of citizens.Some of the closest scrutiny will be on the lifestyle of MEPs, whose expense-account lifestyle would make the fastest-living City whizz kid blush.
Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for south-east England, told The Observer that British colleagues could make up to £1,000 a month tax-free profit perfectly legitimately from the remarkable 'mileage system' of guaranteed travelling expenses. Commissioners receive similar perks.

full source here


Deliberators verdict = They have a million reasons not to leave, all starting with £.


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First image CC0 pixabay.


Brexit or no brexit there is a mother of all global economic crashes on the way caused by decades of ponzi debt catching up with reality.

The "FIAT" ponzi scheme? yes, it is a scam and a con, nothing more than printing bad debt, and fraud.
We would get locked up for pulling the same scam.

Yeah what a fucking disgrace these people are that see us as there cows from which they can take the cream and piss all at once ! Time to run out those guillotines ! But first we need to get the rest of the cows on board ! But they are too busy munchin on that beautiful grass that so green beneath their feet, you know the one, with those 22 men babys runnin about after a fucking ball ! We are joke and sure they are laughing, but not us ! Nice post @deliberator !

Thank you kindly, it is a shame how few people see these people for the greedy fuckers they are, no matter how much information you give people, they still vote for these leaches, that in itself is a disgrace.

Nice post! So the UK parliament officials are paid 2 wages? 1 from the UK and another by the EU, or did i read that wrong?

Cheers, it would seem so, and claim unlimited expenses, they have zero incentive to end what they are doing.

Wow didnt know that, thats crazy. The cabal/deepstate/soros brigade (whatever u want to call it) really makes is hard for these politicians to break free and serve the people. Either its through bribery, blackmail or death threats, the stranglehold on the political system is scarily tight! Not too mention their hold on banking, media and the corporate world!

The original plan for the EU, was a trading platform, to allow free trade between member states, then politicians started making new buildings to work from then adding new roles, and ever increasing "politics" in a thing that was only designed for free trade, then thy made insane laws like anything voted in can never be amended, then came all the unelected officials that is now the EU, nobody votes them in, they vote each other in, it is beyond a joke now.

wow that is amazing without even being elected! the real building blocks for the one world government. The elites really wanted the EU to be the foundation stone from which they could spread throughout the world

Yes, without a single person voting for the head of the EU, in fact most people in the EU, have zero idea who runs the shitshow.

Yes the average person really needs to wake TFU.and I thinks it’s hapoenjng, with what’s going on in Italy, Austria, Hungary and other European countries. I think EU will start to fall apart and the catalyst to this will be when Germanys leadership starts to go down, this will happen as the people finally start reacting and thinking about what’s happening to them and the deepstate agenda to flood Europe with refugees and make it easier to topple

It is getting close to midnight, not long left now my friend.

Dang! What am I doing at my job when I could be an MEP?
Of course, I would join the EFDD group and work on creating havoc, and like a good little termite on destroying the edifice from the inside tee hee nee.

LOL make it so my friend make it so.

Upvoted for @informationwar by @richq11

Legal theft
Thats all it is
Shoot half of the politicians and we'd still have way too many!

I agree, and as Billy Connely once said "anyone stating they want to be a politician - should be excluded for life from being one."

I totally agree with that one nobody who wants power should be put in a position of having it it attracts the wrong type of people if politics were to be made an unpaid job more a honourable position which carried prestige like in ancient athens I think it was that would be a game changer

Now you are talking, that is a fantastic idea.

Well that explains why it is taking so long for the brexit to happen if ever it does. Pollies and there perks makes me mad. In Australia they all ways seem to be voting them selves a pay rise while telling the rest of us to tighten our belts :(

That is the same the world over my friend.

What is a Brexit? Never new such a thing existed.

Great Britain leaving the EU.

What is the EU?

Now I know you are having me on.

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