
it's being part of or creating communities that understand the need to defend themselves

knowing people with land and certain skills that make living off the land enjoyable enough is one way to go. They would likely teach you everything you need within a year in exchange for the labor it takes to learn it.

Being the guy who can get the electricity and plumbing working is a big plus too ;)

for better or for worse, I'm on a different trajectory

and i can't deny that building prepping communities is a good way of dealing with these issues; even as just a matter of community resilience for natural emergencies

and covert organization can be used in forming these communities as far as vetting new members and maintaining opsec

but in the long run, this country is does not belong to leftist /globalist leeches and tyrants...and if they are not dealt with, I doubt they will allow self-reliant communities to survive without "their guidance" in the long run

My back up is my years of experience in private security management. Could get me close to one of the rich and powerful types, so me and my team can eat him in the night. Or possibly rule through fiat after I tell him about the plans for us to eat him, what ever comes first

one of the informationwar campaigns I suggested in the past was to put out a lot of commentary on why the bodyguards of the elite should fall upon the elite like ravenous wolves after any collapse; putting a little uncertainity into elite decsion-making

That is absolutely true. Every person on all of the teams I have run were only loyal to me and couldn't stand the companies we worked for. I had their backs when the masters would come calling and that's all it takes.

In all seriousness we need back up more than ever, they snatch away people for wrong think every day in Britain and there are many powerful people looking to bring that here in a big way.

I wish Count Dankula had a better moniker but he was a cannery in the coal mine for me. What happened to Robinson made me pissed beyond belief.

They certainly do have their networks or else these folk would have been free and clear within hours of being accused of saying the wrong thing.

a certain amount of people are just going to keep their head down and hope that nothing bad happens to THEM...this may be the majority of humanity

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