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RE: President Trump warns Twitter, and indirectly others, that this country is based on FREE speech!

Lol someones mad that their conspiracies dont make sense to normal americans. When you die America is gonna be a socialist nation and its gonna be great for all the non boomers who have never gotten a chance at life.

Posted using Partiko Android


You are voting yourself to death, so I will outlive you, LOL! When Your opulent spending bankrupts this Republic, those with no skills or abilities will no longer be useful to their masters. When the money from the government stops, I will be fine. You will starve, I will still be feeding the homeless; problem solved....

It is a sad fact, that you will never have a real chance at life. My Children have Good lives, because they take responsibility for themselves; and don't waste their opportunities; by blaming others for their lack of motivation and laziness!

I guess telling you to stop posting on my page is not clear enough. You are a liberal talking head, sadly with nothing inside. I have heard all you verbal diarrhea from other equally useless talking heads before.

You Bore me with your mental vacuum, since you have no interest in factual debate, and are too programmed to learn, go back to your liberal echo chamber, where snowflakes are safe!

Go walk your dogs; and leave the Real World problems to those who are sought after to solve them.

"Opulent spending" name one policy i support that costs more than yours.

Posted using Partiko Android

Very few people are so clueless that I block them, congratulations!

Triggered and cant answer.

Typical trump snowflake hahahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

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